The Hickey (EXTENDED) - 💙

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This was requested by TMNT_Fan101, although I did the scenario in the chapter called  "Some Mini Scenarios" I wanted to extend it because it's such a fun idea!!!

Get ready from some blushin and being flustered!!!

I also am in need for some more questions to do a Q&A!!!

LEO's POV - 💙

Y/N and I were in my room, dad was....napping per usual and the guys had gone out to go get some groceries (we are in desperate need for some cool ranch Doritos, not the fun size!), so we were basically all alone.

Y/N still has her school uniform on, the black one with the checkered black and white patter on it? The one with the pretty bow? The one that hugged her body in all the right places?

Yeah, that one...

Y/N laid on my bed and sighed: "student council meeting and E/C/A (Extra-Curricular-Activty) are killing me!" She groaned stretching her back. "And I had gym class today as well!"

"Watcha play?" I asked sitting down next to her and wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"Volleyball, I think I was great.."

"I bet you bit them right in the ass when they weren't looking!" (IF YOU KNOW WHERE THATS FROM ILY!!!) I laughed ruffling her hair.

"Obviously, I did!" She said, mockingly rolling her eyes.

"Atta'girl" I laughed.

"Ugh...I just sore from all those spikes and receives." She groaned.

I pulled her onto my lap smiling down at her, she wrapped her legs around my waist.

"Sore or anything. You look as beautiful as ever, my perfect girl.." I laughed and nuzzled into her neck.

She brought her head up a little bit higher exposing more skin on her neck to me.

I took her hand and squeezed it gently then I brough my lips to her skin and kissed it softly, first I did it gently, but then I remembered that time I thought  my brother's were sweet on Y/N, after she called me to the living room....

I probably blushed just thinking of that so a little payback doesn't sound too horrible...

I bit down, and Y/N sqeaked a little bit, her face being dusted with pink. I bit a little harder and smiled.

Y/N was making adorable noises the whole time I did was amazing.

Until we heard.


"Hey, Lovebiiiiiiirrrrrrdssss!!!? We're home!!!" Yelled Donnie, in a split second Y/N scrambled off of her lap and fell on the floor just as the three of them walked it.

"Alrigt I got a bag of Cool Ranch for Leo, Some Cheetos for Raph, and a bag gummy worms for me and a bag of F/S (Favourite Snack) for - What's that on your neck Y/N?" Said Mikey throwing us out snacks and his eyes shifting to Y/N.

We both turned about fifty different shades of red as we mumbled excuses and Y/N shifters her hair to attempt to cover her neck.

"Yeah, what is that? Are you hurt?" Donnie asked her, clearly oblivious to that fact that in two seconds we were probably going to die from being flustered.

"NO! I mean- no!! I'm fine Mikey!!! I just-" Y/N started, covering her face.

"It kind of looks infected to me...I'll RT dad...."


"I heard someone needed me?" Oh crap!! Dad was at the doorway but dad is probably the most old fashioned person ever. Heck, he was once a rat, I bet he doesn't even know what a hickey is!!

"Yeah, Y/N got this red mark on her neck and we think it looks infected." Raph explained.

" she's fine!" I insisted my voice getting uncomfortably high.

"Let me see, child." Dad asked gently to  Y/N who reluctantly moved her hair. " seems to just be a bruise of some sort. But it cannot be infected maybe it's possible that Y/N bumped her neck somewhere."

"YES, THATS DEFINITELY WHAT HAPPENED!!" Y/N and I bursted at the same time.

"Well, that settles it then, she'll need no further treatment. Now... You three!" He said pointed to Raph, Mikey and Donnie. "It your night to cook."

The three of them groaned and waddled to the kitchen but dad stayed leaning in the door frame.

"Already giving red marks, are we?" He laughed.

"DAD!! What- NO!!"

"Relax son, you are not in trouble for showing love on your girlfriend. However you must make sure you are using protection at times of such intimacy..."

The two of us turned, if possible, even redder at the last sentence.


"I'm being serious son...STDs can even happen as mutants like we are. If Y want I can show you exactly where to get some."

"WE'RE NOT HAVING SEX!" I yelled, mortified and closed the door on him.

"I think we should start 'showing love' at my house..." Y/N laughed her cheeks still red.

That was a super fun chapter, ShyBeanz 🍑🧡😺

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