He gets into a fight - 💛

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You and B/F/N were racing down the corridors with Chassidy, if this true Leo's cover would surely be blown.

Finally after running halfway around the school, you made it outside to the crowd of people yelling, in a huddle. You and B/F/N pushed your way throught to the front where all the drama was playing out.

Tori was laying on the floor clutching a bloody nose, it looked like she had been punched across the face and but except for that she looked relatively fine and as though she was playing up her  injuries a lot more.

Her cronies though...no so much.

About two feet next to her, Leo and her cronies were lying in a pile on the ground wrestling to the limits, it was two against one and yet Leo was winning.

From what you could see in the mess of the three off them, one of her goons had a brushed face, and a bloody jaw, and the other several scratches and a bloody eye too. Leo had four cuts on his face and a bruise on his neckline and yet he was still throwing ninja moves at the two of them.

"This is really entertaining to watch but I think we ought to break them up." B/F/N told you and the two of you took deep breaths and jumped into the fight, her taking the cronies' arms behind his back and you attempting to pull Leo away.

But nobody seemed to ever explain to you how difficult it was to pull three 6 FOOT guys away from each other when your in fighting mode.

Somehow in the hassle of it all you managed to get punched across the face and B/F/N scratched on her neck.

"BREAK IT UP!" The principal yelled and with the help of 4 teacher plus you and your best friendz you managed to pull the boy off of each other.

"YOU SIX!! MY OFFICE! NOW!!" And you were all escorted back into the building into his office. "I have never seen such disgusting behaviour in my 20 years of teaching. Mr Hamato!! How dare you create such dishonor in our sacred courts!!! What on earth have they done to you, boy!!" She said motioning to Tori and her lackies.

"They were bullying, Y/N!!" I had to do something!!" He yelled, giving the 4 of them a disgusted look.

"And instead of telling a teacher you decided to get physical? You need to straighten up boy!!"

"F**king Bitch..." He muttered under his breath.

"AND SWEARING? YOURE LOOKING AT A WEEKS WORTH OF DETENTIONS!" Tori and her thugs shared shifty grins.

"BUT I DONT EVEN GO HERE!!" he exclaimed, you face-palmed, so much for keeping a low profile.


And you all hurried out of the room quickly. B/F/N looking confused, Leo sour and Tori and her lackies triumphant. They walked off with smug smirks leaving you three alone.

You guys walked home, your cuts still bleeding until you bade goodbye to B/F/N and slipped into your apartment with Leo, who was glowering.

"I know your probably mad at me but-" you shushed him with two fingers on his lips.

"That was f**king amazing, Leo. I wish I could have seen you land that blow on Tori, she deserved it, they deserved it." You said and kissed his cheek and began to clean up his cuts.

"Nobody talks to my girl like that." He said pulling you into his lap, he kissed you again and you snuggled into his chest and looked up at him.

"So much for a low profile, Leo...I think it's best if you don't come into school with me anytime soon." You laughed.

"I agree. Because if I see that little bitch again I'm gonna give her real injury as for those scumbags she was with and may as well turn my katanas on them as see how they like it." He laughed and kissed your forehead again.

God did you love this guy....

Word Count: 715 Words.
Get get into fights kids....
Later ShyBeanz,💙🫐🤍

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