8. the Fushiguro.

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"Are you really a highschool student?" You wave your hand at the familiar brown haired girl smoking on the side of the road.

"Oh the criminal!" Shoko ieri also wave at you and her statement only made you let out a small smile. You lean on the railings besides her, the unpleasant smell of the tabaco reaches your nostrils yet you were already used to it. 

A week had already passed after you quit on jujutsu high, you were currently taking care of Toji's children as toji and his wife haven't come home for a days now. Their children aren't that a hassle to look at, they understand anything like a grown up, and you wonder if they are really a kid. Especially Megumi, who was somewhat a bit clingy unto you now. That kid may look so cold but he was still yearning for a motherly love.

"Should i be grateful of you killing the higer ups?" Shoko cut off the train of your thoughts making you look at her. The girl was giving you a close eyed smile while you give her an empty face.


"No way!" A familiar voice then suddenly pop up beside you, a strong arms wrapped around your shoulder pulling you a little closer to him. "She may be able to kill them but man! Those who took over are far worst shittier than the formers" Suguru's face painted with disgust then burst out in a pit of a laughter while you just giggle.

His arms going tigter and tigther around you as if he wouldn't want to let go.

"So.... What are you doing now?" Shoko asks, tapping the excess ash on her cigarettes before huffing. Your acquaintances look over your direction, expectant of your answer though Shoko accidentally drop her cigarette and Suguru's eyes also widened on utter disbelief when you give them a close eye smile.

And they can figure out that it wasn't fake, the light on you orbs as you open them was enough of the evidence.

"Nothing much..." You look in front of you, the bustling sidewalk filled with workers, students, and civilians whom so unbothered and unconscious about the other side of this world, where the negativity of what they felt turn into. They don't have any idea of it, and somewhat... You hate it. "I'm waiting for Yuki-san to get me to overseas with her "

"Y/n... About Satoru" Suguru trailed off, he was clearly worried and you assume that he still hasn't moved on from the earlier event.

Those eye bags wasn't there when i left.

"I went back to the village to investigate my self then i found this" you tossed a gold-colored button, the black twirl that was etched on the button was too familiar at the two. "It's Gojo's"

Last name treatment, that's harsh. Suguru thought as he observe the school uniform button on his hand, raising it to his eye level. "How do you know it's his?" Shoko perked up who was now playing with a strawberry lollipop on her mouth.

"I saw his uniform was missing a button" the deep breath that you took indicates that you don't want this kind of topic but what could you do? They need answers, especially Shoko.

"Did you really just beat Satoru for this?" Suguru asks, pertaining to the school button that he was offering to you but you slowly push his hands away saying that he should give it back to Gojo. "Maybe" you shortly reply and notice that Shoko has pulled out her phone and called someone.

Fuck. You thought

"Gojo! Yeah yeah! She's here! Yes! Suguru's with me! Huh? No way! I don't want to get killed!" And with that you walk away from them, waving your hand without looking back, "I don't want to see his face yet, but thank you" after that you vanished on the sight of the two confused student.

You comb your soft locks with your digits, rubbing your temple gently in the process. You've never gotten this exhausted before, maybe because you have to talk about it with Suguru and Shoko. Your irises wandered around the streets watching the students converse on how tiring the school was and now you wonder, what would happen if all of you is just a normal people, the four of you will be able to stick forever, right?

Feeling a buzzing and vibration on you pocket hoodie, you fish out your phone only to see the name of one and only Toji Fushiguro.

"Toji... How long are you planning to hide to your kids?" You talk to the man on the other side as you continue to walk back to the Fushiguro residence while dodging the running kids on the street. "Yuki will arrive in two days to get you" the man toji, knowing his sister too well, he does that to avoid any calm but painfully words from you.

"That's good, but what you're doing is bad, they need you mister" the soft afternoon breeze touch your skin while you wonders what you will be preparing for tsumiki and megumi. "You talk like my wife Y/n~" you notice that toji's tone was flirtatious making you deadpanned, the color of you face draining in white with disappointment.

"I'll kill megumi." You flatly said which makes the man chuckle and get back what he just said. "What are you so oblivious of tobthe point you can't see megumi?" You asks then  noticing that you're nearing the building of their apartment.

"Someone offered me a mission" you just humn at him as you turn to the alleyway where you can get to the building as soon as possible. Your humn is a cue for toji to continue, "the thing is... Im off to fight the six eyes in order to kill the vessel. Tengen's vessels"

The words that just left his mouth made you stop on your tracks, stopping you for taking a step and triggering someone's domain. If not for Shoko fixing your glasses, you could've been dead by now.

"I'll call you later" Toji had catch the cahnge in your tone as he knew something was wrong. He humn before saying, "call me later" that's all he says before cutting the line, not even a smallest bit of worry was creeping on him thus he knew that you could easily outsmart any situation that was thrown at your way.

Going back to y/n, she watch as the domain was contracted smaller and smaller until if explode as it reveal the strongest. You we're not that surprise since understand that only like him could pull off those gigantic curse energy.

"Gojo...." The call of his last name did hurt Satoru, he deserves it. He know damn well that he put up so much damage and traumas to you but he did not regret any of it.

"Y/n, I—" he wasn't able to continue when you quickly cut him off disrespectfully.

"Didn't you already hear if from Shoko and Suguru? I don't want to see yo—" you stop as you notice a quite familiar dark luscious spikey locks. There was megumi behind gojo, his little trembling hand harshly clutches the hem of his school uniform though his face remain stoic. And in one swift motion you have scoop megumi away from gojo, protectively wrapping your arms around him as you carry him.

"Y/n...." Your hand gently push Megumi's head into your neck for him not to see this side of yours.

Your irises bore daggers into Gojo's sould as if you were skinning and molding his soul alive and it made him feel little, weak and at the same time excited. "I quit jujutsu for good, stop pursuing me " with that you disappeared into a thin air.

Satoru wasn't that dumb to not get what you mean with your words, you're telling him to stop comming after you, you don't need his apologies nor his explanation. Thus, you look at him with so much displeasure when you hold the boy with so much protection. You were telling him to not a lay any finger at the boy.

Satoru chuckle, even if you didn't introduce the boy, he was more of a freak to know the smell and the sound of your blood and he was lucky enough to find the boy. He almost mistaken the lanky kid as you.

Megumi Fushiguro.

It repeated and repeated on Satoru's head until he smile in satisfaction.

Megumi was just another tool of making you go back to his arms.

I'm sorry for long update T^T

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