9.It's a YES 💕

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Aradhna's POV

As I opened the door, I was shocked to see Mr. Singhania sitting in the living room along with his family. As he saw me, he passed a smile but I was too taken aback to react. Then, his family noticed me. His mother came to me an engulfed me in a bear hug. I greeted his family and his mother made me sit with her. All this while all the elders were talking. Suddenly Mumma said,"Why don't you both go out in the garden and talk?" 

We both stood up and made our way to the garden, but I was at a loss for words. After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, he decided to break it.

"Aradhna, I used to be the kind of guy who ran a mile from the mere mention of marriage. I never thought I'd marry anyone. But then I met you, and I realised that if I ever did tie the knot, it could only be with you. Please, give me a chance, give 'us' a chance." He said.

I looked at him for a few minutes not knowing what to say.

"Mr. Singhania, I'm not your typical girl with a typical job. I don't have set working hours or days. I work for the Government of India, for my country and it will always be my top priority. I'm not sure if I can be the kind of wife you want or the daughter-in-law your family expects." I confessed. 

"I am proud of meri Jaan, I am proud that you are not a typical girl with a typical job. I am proud that you work for our country. I don't care if you don't have any specific working hours or days. What I care about is that at what ever time you come back home, I'll be waiting for you. I don't care or even expect you to be a typical wife who sits at home waiting for her husband, I want you to be badass and I want to be proud of my wife. The only expectations my family has from you is for you to be my family." He said

"Are you sure,Mr. Singhania?" I asked

"As sure as I can ever be. And Aradhna, it's Abhimaan for you." He said and walked inside the house.

I didn't know how to react. As he left, my brothers surrounded me.

"He is a good guy, Aru!" Ram Bhai said

"If anyone can handle you, it's him," Monster added, trying to lighten the mood.

"Bhai, what if I am being selfish? 

"Aru, you aren't being selfish, if I know any selfless person it's you." Came the voice of my bhabhi.

"Come on, bhabhi. She used to gobble up all my snacks when we were kids. Of course, she's selfish," Monster teased

"Shut up, Rishabh. Aru, he really cares for you. We both had a chat with him. The rest is up to you," Ram Bhai said, offering his support.

As we all went inside, my parents and the rest of the family gazed at me, waiting for my decision. Monster gave me a reassuring look, assuring me that everything would turn out as I saw fit

"It's a yes" I said


Abhimaan's POV

As Aradhna entered with her brothers and bhabhi, I couldn't help but feel a surge of anxiety. My heart raced like it was on a mission to win a marathon. Then, she uttered the words that I'd been anxiously waiting for, "It's a yes."

I couldn't believe my ears. My mom couldn't contain her joy and hugged her immediately. Everyone else followed, and after the group hug extravaganza, she glanced at me with a somewhat awkward smile, which I happily returned. Her bhabhi gently seated her next to me.

The elders were practically bursting with excitement and decided to call the Pandit ji first thing in the morning to set the dates for our wedding.

My mom suggested, "Let's have the roka tomorrow itself."

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