Chapter 61

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Madara was still being attacked by Akina. He had to admit that he had underestimated this girl. Although, young woman hit it better as she looked. If she had been born in his time, he would have immediately taken this Uchiha as his wife. According to information, she was the only woman left in the Uchiha clan. Actually, he was not allowed to kill her. She could rebuild the clan and with her talent and with her strength she would surely have strong children.

To get away from her, he jumped on one of the rocks and looked at the alliance. "How ridiculous. You let a woman fight me!" he spoke without emotion. "Go where you belong!" shouted Oonoki which made Madara smile briefly. "So you're still alive.", he gave out. "You..ahh my back...!" grumbled Oonoki and even though it wasn't fitting right now Akina started laughing.

This old man was really struggling with this back pain? Akina tried to calm down and was looked at angrily by Oonoki. How could this woman laugh at him!? Even Madara had to look at this Uchiha again. Her laugh was so bright and gentle. She wasn't even close to the clan members he once knew. She had a cheerful side though it was unheard of from his clan. Why did laughter cast such a spell on him? "Sorry old man." she laughed lightly before focusing on the situation again.

Madara quickly shook his head and formed several finger signs. Out of the sky fell a huge boulder that could flatten the entire alliance. Oonoki did not hesitate and flew up to stop the rock. Even though he was old, Akina had to admit that he still had a lot going for him. "I wonder what it will look like if another one comes?" asked Madara, and a second rock appeared.

"Get out of here now!" shouted Gaara quickly as he realized the situation. All the shinobi ran away except Akina, Gaara and Naruto. The rock was getting closer and Oonoki couldn't hold it any longer and was pushed into the sand. Akina tried to protect herself with her arms, but she felt nothing. When she opened her eyes, Gaara was next to her, protecting her with his sand. "Gaara..." Naruto's shadow double had dissolved.

Gaara's power slowly ran out and when the quake was over he removed the sand and looked around. Not all of the shinobi had survived this attack. "Regroup, everyone!" spoke Shikaku. "Naruto could use your support. The Kage are on their way to fight Madara." Akina's breathing quickened a bit. Why did they all have to go to Naruto now? What had happened? "Nah go Akina go on.", Gaara spoke up. She didn't want to let the Kage fight Madara but she had to help Naruto. He was the one who had to bring Sasuke back. 

"All right, but take care of yourselves. He hasn't shown all of himself yet," Akina said and stood up. Shortly after the last Kage arrived, the division was able to set off. Quickly they ran through the desert and didn't even look back. "What do you think. Who is this Madara under the mask?" asked Temari. Akina looked to her and couldn't tell her. "It must be someone who had contact with Madara. Someone who's buying into his whole plan," Shikamaru said.

Akina hadn't thought about it. Suddenly, the Uchiha remembered. "Back when my brother killed the clan there was someone present again," she began, breathing a little. "I couldn't see him clearly. But he had a mask on just like the man pretending to be Madara. But his chakra is completely different." "What do you mean?" the Nara asked.

"The man under the mask was never Madara Uchiha!"

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