Chapter 01

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Maa Begum: Meerab, please don't do anything today so that your complaints come to the house even today.

Meerab : Maa Begum! What do you mean? I always do mischief? 😢

Maa Begum : You don't have to cry anymore. I know how naughty you are! Why did you call that woman black and fat? After saying that, why did you throw eggs on her?

Meerab : You tell me what I used to do? She came to marry me with her rhinoceros son. So I threw whatever was in my hand. She was lucky, I had eggs in my hand. Maa Begum, you know, the woman's face was like watching. 😂

Shahnawaz : Ha!ha!ha! You won't change.

Maa Begum : You won't tell her anything?

Shahnawaz : Why should I say anything to my daughter who did it right? Well, Meerab, where did you get the eggs?

Meerab : Uncle, I took the eggs from the fridge.

Maa Begum : What? You finished all the eggs from my fridge? Yaa Allah! I can't take this girl anymore.

Meerab : Well uncle, if I don't go, Maa Begum will make my condition worse. Allah Hafez!

Shahnawaz : Be careful! Allah Hafez

Saying this, Meerab left to go to her office. After she left, Maa Begum said to herself,

Maa Begum : This girl is so naughty. Uff! Today Murtasim will come. Allah Miah knows what the angry boy will do after seeing the nonsense of this girl.

Meerab : Uff! What will happen if I am late to go to the office today? Today the new boss will come.

She came to the road and saw there was a rickshaw. She sat in that rickshaw and said to that rickshaw puller,

Meerab : Uncle go quickly!

Rickshaw puller : I won't go.

Meerab : Please uncle! I'm late, please!

After requesting many times, the rickshaw puller agreed to take her to the office.

Oops! Sorry I forgot to say that the girls name is Meerab.

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Romantic Husband Idiot Boss (Meerab and Murtasim)Where stories live. Discover now