Chapter 06

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Murtasim : Allah, will this girl eat so much? This girl will make me a beggar on the way.

Meerab : What are you thinking sir? Sir, can I ask you something?

Murtasim: Hmmm say! Even if I don't want to listen, you will say.😒

Meerab : Sir, do you think I talk too much? Everyone says how little I talk.

Murtasim : What? You talk less? (Allah! What is this girl? This girl will blow my mind off. )

Meerab : Will you listen to me?(Shouted)

Murtasim : OK fine! 😒

Meerab : Sir, do you know what I am thinking?

Murtasim : Miss Meerab, how do I know what you're thinking?

Meerab : Oh yes! You're an ass who knows nothing. 😁

Murtasim : What!😬

The waiter brought food. Meerab said nothing and started eating. Murtasim was surprised, this girl knows how to eat so much?

Murtasim : (How much she is eating like a monster. Allah, what did you make this girl with?)

Meerab : Sir, why are you looking this way? My stomach will hurt later.

Murtasim called the waiter and ordered coffee for himself. He was looking at Meerab while drinking coffee. No one can tell by looking at Meerab that this girl eats so much. After eating, she called the waiter and said,

Meerab : Why didn't you bring ice cream?

Murtasim : Isn't your stomach full yet? (Shocked)

Meerab : Will this little food fill stomach?(to waiter) Brother, you bring ice cream quickly. And yes, bring all kinds.

Murtasim : 😱😐😱

Waiter : OK madam!😲

The waiter brought ice cream. Meerab eat the ice cream. Murtasim was in complete shock, this girl knows how to eat so much?

Murtasim : (Allah please take me. This girl is a complete monster.)

The waiter gave the bill to Murtasim. Murtasim was even more surprised to see the bill 😲😲

Murtasim : 18 ,,,,, thousand?

He gave the bill and said to Meerab.

Murtasim : Why are you sitting here? Will you eat something else? (Said annoyed)

Meerab : No sir! 😊

They both got in the car. Murtasim was driving and Meerab said to him,

Meerab : Sir, when will we come again?

Murtasim : What? 😱Am I crazy enough to go shopping with you again? I will never forget what you did today.

Meerab looked outside with a sullen face without saying anything else. After a while, she got very happy seeing a pani-puri shop on the side of the road. She asked Murtasim to stop the car. But Murtasim didn't stop his car. So Meerab got angry and said,

Romantic Husband Idiot Boss (Meerab and Murtasim)Where stories live. Discover now