Chapter 11

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Meerab started blabbering on like this and got ready. Murtasim's head ached after hearing Meerab's words. He wanted to lift her on his head and hit her twice. She always talks nonsense.

Murtasim : I am 100% sure that this girl is from Pabna. She is a stupid girl, always talk nonsense or do nonsense. Uff! Once this meeting gets over, I will survive. After arriving home, I will tell Mom and Dad to get this girl out of our house.

(Pabna is the name of a place in Bangladesh where there is a Mental asylum.)

After thinking for a while, Murtasim went and freshened up. Meerab got ready and went in front of Murtasim's room and was thinking, whether she should go or not.

Meerab : Ya Allah! Shall I go? What if he beats me or scolds me?😕One minute Meerab, that idiot will beat you? He doesn't have such great courage. And if that idiot scolds me, I'll kill him. He still doesn't know what I am.

Meanwhile, Murtasim got ready and opened the door and was surprised hearing everything what Meerab said. Will Murtasim ever understand this girl? How can anyone be so stupid?

Murtasim : Miss Meerab, are you actually a human or an alien?😠

Meerab looked back and saw Murtasim. At Murtasim's words, she got angry and said,

Meerab : Sir, how dare you call me an alien? Look sir, if you call me by these nonsense names, I will not go to your meeting. And I will make the meeting worse.

Murtasim : (Allah! What do I do with this girl?) OK sorry! Plz chalo. 😓

Meerab : Good, you have admitted your guilt. Now let's go.

Murtasim wanted to say something but did not say. Because he knew that talking to Meerab means hitting his head with a stone. It is better not to talk to a girl who talks 100 times than 1 time. Murtasim continued to drive and Meerab looked outside.

After a while, Murtasim and Meerab went to a restaurant and started meeting there. Murtasim was talking to them and Meerab was looking at the girl who came with them again and again. Because the girl was very fat and wearing a dress that her knees were visible. Murtasim noticed that Meerab was smiling. He whispered in Meerab's ear,

Murtasim : Why are you smiling like crazy?

Meerab : Sir, yeh moti kya kapre pehne hai, pora ka pora dayan lag rahi hai.

Murtasim : Just shut up!

Meerab : Areh!

Murtasim : Meerab plz! Don't talk nonsense. If you say so, there will be no one worse than me.

Meerab sat quietly. Murtasim ended the meeting with them and left after lunch. Meerab was silent for a long time. She felt like she was holding her breath. So she couldn't keep quiet anymore and said,

Romantic Husband Idiot Boss (Meerab and Murtasim)Where stories live. Discover now