Shoot The Jerk

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This is the one where the principal gets his jollies by recruiting two stubborn violent know-it-alls for an assignment that ends up in...well, you know. 

But before we go there, you also need to know that:

(1) Jake Kincaid harbors a completely rational, completely justified amount of dislike towards Kayla Jackson.

(2) She hates him because he's being mean.

If only them teenage hormones got that.

Instead, Kayla and Jake find themselves juggling with their growing attraction in the midst of a truce that grows increasingly precarious by the moment. Ranging from grave misunderstandings to stupid plots involving Kayla's crush, things seem to be getting worse and worse for the two stubborn enemies.

Until love hits them smack in the face, punches them in the gut, and lands them on their butts.


© Copyright 2013 by TheStupefying. All Rights Reserved.


the cute quirky cover by @wonderlandwriter

THANKYOU GUYS FOR BEING SO AWESOME AND SUPPORTIVE and blah blah blah (I promise you that's not how I write but okay). No, but seriously, thank you. Anyway, as I was saying, it's ironic how many readers came across this book once it was completed :3 but that doesn't mean I don't need your opinions anymore. Please don't hesitate to comment and let me know your thoughts. It might take a little while (this monster called study :P) but I will always always always respond.

Happy reading!

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