Chapter 20: The Biker Chick Is Wearing A Sundress.

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OKAY! been a looooong time, i know. but trust me, you don't wanna know the cause of this delay. A lot of stuff happened, and I pretty much don't know what I'm gonna do, but i'm gonna be ok. Soo, I have frankly forgotten the story myself, so I need a recap as much as you do. Thank you so much for being with me all the way to here :D

RECAP:  Jake holds a grudge against Kayla because of a buttload of bitter family stuff. However, after a lot of occurences, they try a truce, which doesnt work out. But they do eventually end up clearing up the air and making out. After which Jake pretty much ignores Kayla and treats her like a bimbo, which is why she's gonna make him realise what he missed, by dressing up for a change.

Also, need to know, Kayla's two best friends, Matt and Martha, are going steady. If you'd forgotten that whole part about 'Operation Nerd Trapping Jock', which is a totally cool name, btw.

So, phew!! I'll let you read now.

The Biker Chick Is Wearing A Sundress.



I looked around, taking in the loud music, alcohol, and the general mess. Nick's parties were the best, mostly because he offered unlimited booze supply. And the kick ass sound system. And the gaming room. And the pool.

Yeah, that's about it.

In short, after sulking for two whole days, this was the perfect place for me to be. I planned on getting drunk out of my mind, and getting laid. I had decided that the whole bimbo rejection phase I was going through was just that --a phase. it would pass, and I would soon be the person I was last year. With more muscles, that is.

Basically, this was the Return of the Player. Man, relationships were just not my thing.

The one girl I liked, and note the past tense, helped her best friend cheat on her other best friend. That was just plain wrong.

I was also in a dilemma. Matt was kind of a friend, so should I talk to him about it? Should I tell Martha? I usually didn't give a rat's ass about who cheated on whom, but this really bothered me.

Maybe I wanted Kayla to suffer, because I was so wrong about her. At first, I hadn't believed that it was Kayla who'd come running out of her house straight into Matt's arms. I mean, barely five minutes had passed since I'd walked her home after our evening at the pier.

But it was Kayla, her dark hair shining in the pale moonlight. Even then, I refused to believe that it was anything more than a friendly hug. I had resumed walking away, but I couldn't resist looking back. And I had seen them kissing, silhouetted against the moonlight.

I never ever wanted to feel that way again. Like a loser. Like I wasn't good enough.

A sudden whistle brought my attention to the commotion at the door.

A girl entered, and I recognized her walk from all the way across the room. I didn't like the twisty feeling in my gut when I spotted her, so I hastily looked away.

And then I couldn't resist getting one more peak, like the pathetic loser I was, so I looked again. Man, I wish I hadn't. Because, all I wanted to do right then was grab her and kiss the life out of her.

Well, not literally.

She was wearing a simple white dress, but I couldn't take my eyes off her. Maybe it was because this was the first time I'd seen her wear anything remotely girly (the ugly bridesmaid dress excluded). Or cleavage baring.

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