Chapter 17: ONTJ

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Operation Nerd Trapping Jock.



 “He called you an untouched virgin? Did he know how right he was?” Aaron asked.

 “He didn’t call me an untouched virgin. He said, it’s not like you're an untouched virgin, so don’t give moral advice, or something like that.”

 “Is he male? Are males allowed to say ‘virgin’?” Martha asked. This girl had the most bizarre logical skills.

 And I didn’t want to talk about it, since I was still dealing with the fact that Eric and Jake were together. My stint earlier today had proved it. Jake had been acting so damn jealous when I kissed Eric, with all that jaw clenching and fist curling and everything.

 “Whatever, I don’t want to talk about it. How’s your thing with Matt going on?” I asked.

 “Don’t call it a thing. We gave it a name, remember?” Martha was disgruntled.

 “Oh riiiiiight. Let me see, Operation Thong?” I asked, mock innocently. Aaron laughed.

 “No. It was called Operation Nerd Trapping Jock.” Martha explained patiently.

 I couldn’t help it, I burst out laughing. Every time I hear that name, it’s just SO hilarious. Trust Martha to come up with something that obvious.

 “You have to think of another name!” I said between laughs.

 “Why?” Martha pouted.

 “It’s pretty technical. The name is confusing. And very much objective. For example, if you look at it in two different ways, it’ll give you two different meanings. The first would be that you, the nerd, are trapping the jock. The second, and this is the one that concerns me, would be that the term ‘Nerd Trapping’ is used to describe the jock, that is Matt, thereby reversing the whole psychology behind the operation.”

Aaron just nodded along like he understood what I was saying. Wow, my verbal explanation skills are on the rise. Beware, dumb people. You are now going to be able to understand what I say.

 “What did you just say?”

 Or maybe not. Martha was supposed to be the nerd here so she should be able to understand right? But no. Aaron understands and she doesn’t. This is why people should avoid exercising their brains too much. They find complications where there are none.

 “Never mind, just tell me what happened.” I sighed.

 “He kissed me!” She exclaimed.

 Aaron and I just stared at her, dumbstruck. She was grinning triumphantly. Aaron was the first to recover.

 “On the lips?”

 “Of course.”


 “Of course.”

 I recovered.

 “Stop saying ‘of course’ like it was the most obvious thing on earth. He kissed you. Matt Dunston kissed you. Wait a second. It wasn’t some shoddy nightclub with bad lighting where he just saw your blond hair and kissed you, was it?”


 Okay. So he really kissed her. Operation Nerd Trapping Jock might actually work. I’m brilliant! Who would’ve thought?

 Note to self: Never underestimate self.

 “Details, Watson.”

 “Watson?” Aaron asked.

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