Chapter 12: Hoes Before Ex-Hoes.

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Hoes Before Ex-Hoes.



I looked at Kayla and Matt as they came up the walk to the park. Both of them were laughing their asses off. It sort of made me wish that I had an ex-girlfriend like that. No such luck. All my ex-girlfriends had to be clingy, because I was such a popular guy, of course.

The past few days had been fun. After we got rid of Brody and Courtney, and Matt and Jillian came, I was surprised to find out that the four of us could hold a proper conversation without any awkward moments.

Jillian was also pretty nice. But she was very shy, which was weird because she’s so pretty it’s not even funny. But she seems, I don’t know, somewhat distant. Today, it’s going to be just the three of us.

“Yo, bro!” Matt said, giving me a slap on the shoulder. Before I could return the favour, Kayla said,

“Hi, Jake! Matt’s been practising how to act gay.”

“Really? Why, Matt? Don’t you love Kayla anymore?” I asked him.

“No,” He said, with a straight face, “I’m now in love with you.”

Then, he started making weird kiss-y faces. At me. And then he hugged me. Man, I have weird people on my team.

“Get off him, you dog! Courtney will tear you apart!” Kayla yelled.

“OH! I’m sorry, Jake, but Courtney’s got really big nails.” Matt whined.

“How do you know, huh? She dug her nails in your back, did she?” I asked him suggestively.

“EWW!” Both of them said.

I chuckled. I was sort of relieved that Kayla and I were now comfortable around each other, especially after the tension of the other day in my car. And Matt was the ultimate ice-breaker. So, yeah, no awkward moments.

One hour later, I was fed up. Kayla was a drill sergeant. I was happier when we were ignoring each other.

“Could you try putting your right leg on the sidewalk? Nah, that looks too…tense. Just loosen up a little bit? Never mind, get that leg back down; we’ll try something with your arms. How about the classic playboy’s pose? Lean against that fence with one arm on it. Leave the other one dangling. Try to look like you don’t have a care in the world. Argh!”

With that she came up to me, and started adjusting my pose. This had been happening for the past two days, but still, every time she got close I couldn’t help noticing that she smelled like…that. It was a good kind of that.


“Yeah?” I said, snapping out of my stupor.

“You’re not letting me move your hand.”

“Oh, sorry, babydoll.” I said, relaxing my body.

“Yeah, that’s fine. Matt, just get the angle right!” She was frowning while putting my hand against the fence. Suddenly, she punched me in the stomach.

“Hey! What was that for?”

“See how rigid you were? You didn’t even budge when I punched you!” She huffed, moving back behind the camera.

“Now breathe in and breathe out. Try to relax. Stop acting like there’s a stick up your ass.”

Matt started snickering.

“Why don’t you come and pose instead of me then?” I glared at Kayla.

“I would if I were a guy!”

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