Chapter 14: She Didn't End Up Pregnant That Day.

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She Didn’t End Up Pregnant That Day.



I almost groaned out loud as I stood before her front door. I really didn’t want to see her again so soon. Actually, I didn’t want to see her, ever. One of these days, I’m going to kill Mr. Baxter for dragging me into this punishment. It was entirely his fault that I had to go and help them shortlist photos. I rang the bell.

There was a shuffle of feet behind the door, and I heard ‘Oomph!’ when somebody fell. I heard Matt yell, “You’re going to pay for this you little—” and then Kayla yelled, “I got it!!” while Jillian laughed.

So, yeah, guess who opened the door.

Her smile fell right off her face and she fixed an icy glare at me.

“Why are you here?” She asked with a hostility that startled Matt and Jillian.

“Kay, he’s probably here to help us with the photos.” Matt said softly.

“We don’t need HIS help!” She made a motion to shut the door in my face, but I placed my foot in the way. Thank god I was wearing shoes.

“Look here, it’s not exactly butterflies and rainbows for me, but I have to follow the punishment, okay. So stop being a bitch and let me in. Oh wait. It’s practically impossible for you to stop being a bitch, isn’t it?”

“Jake, you’re going too far.” Matt warned, from somewhere behind the almost closed door.

“What’s going on there?” I heard another voice from inside. Kayla groaned.

It was Mr. Baxter. I thought he was around for Sunday brunch? It was evening now. Needless to say, Kayla had to let me in. And, for the first time, the four of us were awkward.

Kayla was glaring at me; Matt was also annoyed at me, though I bet he didn’t know what had happened. Jillian was so shy and confused that she hardly uttered a word.

“Okay,” Kayla said, once we were in her bedroom, “Since neither of us want to talk, we’ll just vote. Just raise your hand if you like the picture.”

We watched in silence as the photos flitted across the laptop screen. They were good. Like, really good. But I wasn’t going to say that.

One that everyone voted for was of Jillian and I. It was a simple photo, with the two of us just holding hands and sitting on a bench. It was like one of those pictures that you find on a card. Jillian was really pretty. Why couldn’t I like her? We would have made a cute couple.

Another one was the one where Kayla had been adjusting my pose. It looked like one of the cowboy style ones, with me looking over the fence. Remembering the way I had teased Kayla that day brought a slight smile to my face, but I quickly wiped it off.

Then Kayla’s photos came up, and they went on and on and on and on. There were photos of when she’d just been trying the stuff on, natural, appealing photos of her. First the shoes then the hats. She looked…beautiful. Oh hell, not again. I bet someone up there just enjoyed messing with my head.

Suddenly Kayla burst out laughing.

Pfft HmmHahahaha! I look so—so funny when I blush. The look on my face. Oh, this is hilarious.”

The three of us just stared at her.

“They’re not funny! You look cute in them!” Jillian said. This was probably the longest sentence she had uttered in her entire life. But it was true. So true.

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