Epilogue: Part 3

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Epilogue: Part 3

“Hey, you.” Kayla felt deliciously familiar arms slip around her waist, and leaned back into Jake's chest.

“What were you and James gossiping about?” She asked lazily. Whether it was his thoughtfulness or his amazingly hot kisses, Jake had more than made up for whatever misery he had caused her before. She’d been feeling very lazy and contented for the past whole month, except when it came to the sadness of her best friend.

“Oh, nothing. He wanted to know if we had sex.”

Kayla literally jumped out of his arms, all the laziness and contentment disappearing into the thin air.

“Where is that stupid spawn of Satan, I’m going to strangle him today. Sorry, but Cindy is going to have to be a widow.”

“Hey, stop!” Jake caught her just as she began to walk away, and pulled her back into his arms, forcing her to stay put. She gave up her futile struggle after a while, deciding to just stay in his strong arms where it smelled so nice. “James was just looking out for you.”

“Hmmph. Well, what did you say?”

“That we were waiting till we turned eighteen.”

“How come I didn’t know that?” She asked grumpily.

“I had to make it up on the spot. It was either that or castration. And then I wouldn’t have been able to have sex with you at all.”

Kayla let out a chuckle in spite of herself. Her boyfriend had the weirdest ways of expressing himself.

Her boyfriend. Who loved her. Sigh.

“I meant it, you know.” He was saying now.


“We are waiting till we’re eighteen.”

“We are?”

“Yes.” He confirmed, puzzled as to why she was questioning him on this.

“What if I don’t what to?” She asked, innocently.

He let out a startled sound somewhere in between a yelp and a grunt, and turned her around to face him so fast that her head spun.

“What-er-exactly, are you saying?”

“I think I was pretty clear.”

That was it, Jake thought. She’d gone completely insane. He dragged her away from the crowd and near the shadowed bushes as surreptitiously as he could, and looked at her.

“You can’t be serious.” He stated.

“What if I am?”

“No. We are waiting. I enjoy the time we spend together. I will not fuck this up. I love you. I love you so much that even though I get a raging hard-on at the mere sight of you, I’m going to do the right thing and wait, even if it kills me. I don’t want to give your brother any more ammunition against me than he already has, and I don’t want to have any regrets whatsoever when we can finally be together. Do you get that?” He said, furiously, shaking her arm in his grip.

Kayla looked up into his glowing brown eyes and fell a little more in love with him, if that was even possible. “How did I get so damn lucky?” She whispered. She placed a palm on his cheek and brought him down for a sweet slow kiss.

He dared to drag it out as long as he could without drawing anyone’s attention, and pulled back.

“Why are you so hell bent on losing your virginity anyway?” He joked.

“You’re not the only one with raging hormones, you know.”

His eyes twinkled mischievously. “Well, in that case, there are always other ways.”

“Now we’re talking.” She gave him a slow, seductive smile, which quickly turned into a quiet moan, as Jake leaned down and whispered some very naughty suggestions into her ear.

Her nails gripped his broad shoulders as she turned her head to kiss him again. This kiss was both hotter and harder than the last, which made it more difficult to pull away.

“We should get back.” She mumbled, as he planted teasing kisses on her collarbone.

He reluctantly pulled away, and she stepped out into the light. Before she completely vanished into the crowd, he held her hand, stopping her.

“Hey. I love you.” He said.

She smiled up at him. A cheerful, happy, blissful smile, full of memories to come. And then she said,

“Hey. I love you, too.”


What? You didn't think I was leaving you with that last sob story, did ya? Nope. This is a happy story, yay. In other news, I swear, this is the last epilogue (I think I got a little carried away) But no more. P-R-O-M-I-S-E. This is it.

The end.

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