Chapter 4: Elevated To the Status of Pretty Girl.

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Elevated To the Status of Pretty Girl



“I would like to know why Mr. Kincaid is late to my class since the past week. Would he be kind enough to clear my query?” Mr. Hamilton’s nasal voice rang through the classroom and I almost flinched.

Except that I was used to this kind of start to my day at school.

I hated the way he referred to everyone in third person. It’s like we’re not even there, and he’s talking to somebody invisible about us. I really, really wanted to yell out and say that I wasn’t ‘kind enough to clear his query’, but I didn’t because it would create a scene.

“I have been distracted lately, sir. Sorry, won’t happen again.”

“Well, it better not. Otherwise, Mr. Kincaid would find himself if deep trouble, wouldn’t he?”

“Yes sir.” I hope my teeth weren’t making a grinding sound, what with me gritting them so hard and all.

“Mr. Kincaid may take his seat now.”Thank you so much.

I went and sat at my usual place next to Jim, with Eric on my other side. Eric grinned.

“Would Mr. Kincaid like to bash up his arithmetic professor?”

“Definitely, if I can get away with it.”

After a while, I noticed that there was some confusion in the doorway. The bitch and her friend were late to class too. Somehow, I even hated that little coincidental thing that we had in common.

“Ah! I see some other pretty girls are late to class too.”

Almost all the class snickered. I think that Mr. Hamilton had just publicly called me a ‘pretty girl’. Man, if I’d had any idea that the guy hated me so much, I’d have skipped his class on the pretence of going for practise. Alone.

“And why are you young ladies late today?”

“Um…we were busy.”

Ha. Like ol’ Hamilton was going to accept that. Then again, he spoke to them in direct speech, so you can never tell.

“And you were busy doing what, exactly, Ms Jackson?”

“Giving blowjobs to the entire male population of the town?”

It flew out of my mouth before I could stop myself, eliminating any possible scenarios of me not making a scene. And yes, this has been going on since a week. One moment I’m all calm and set to avoid confrontations, and the next moment when she enters the room, I’m all fire and guns.

More like atom bombs.

Mr. Hamilton turned red and muttered something, but it was drowned by the hoots and catcalls of the class. I am really thankful that we have mean people in our class.

“Is that your reason for turning up late? It is extremely kind of you to suggest a possible job opportunity for me Kincaid, but I probably won’t get the job while you’re around. I’m sure you’re much better at blowjobs, especially since you just got elevated to the status of pretty girl.”

I don’t think I’m thankful about the mean people in my class anymore. And how did she know I was late? Scratch that, she was probably right behind me. She might have even lingered in the doorway while Hamilton irritated me.

I stoop up.

“Do you mug up your lines or something?”

It was almost a genuine query.

She had spoken those words with such calm precision and bitchiness that anyone who’d been unaware that she was An Important Person would have immediately been notified.

“I have not, but of course I can’t expect a daily wage labourer like you to understand what I said. You’d be too busy providing services around town.”

That’s it.

I advanced toward her slowly, giving the professor time to scuttle out of class.


“Do you want to end up on the floor again?” I asked menacingly.

“Of course, it would be like you to use brute force rather than brains. Most bullies do that.” She said matter of fact-ly.

“I’m not a bully. And you deserved what you got. Also, it wasn’t my fault that you decided to throw your weight on me.”

“Aww. What happened to Kincaid, the pillar of strength and testosterone?”

 “Excuse me, I clearly remember it was you who ended up on the floor.”

She looked irritated which pleased me.

“Not if we’d had a fair fight.”

I didn’t even dignify that with an answer. She shifted uncomfortably.

 “Right. So I’m weaker than you. Doesn’t attacking a person who’s weaker than you make you a bully?”

“Not if the weaker person is also a complete bitch.”

She opened her mouth as if to say something, then thought the better of it. This was turning out to be a very stupid conversation. Rather like a tennis match.

Not that a tennis match is stupid.

Then, with genuine confusion, she asked, “What is your problem anyway? Before this week I doubt you knew me, so why this sudden hatred? As far as I remember, I haven't done anything to you.”

Of course she doesn’t know that Evan was my uncle. I’m not planning on telling her either.

“I have to look at your sick face every morning. That’s reason enough.”

Her jaw tightened, and she had to visibly constrain herself from attacking me. She took one step closer to me and poked my chest with her fingernail.

“Well, guess what, dick face, you can’t just mess with me like that. I’ve been tolerating you for a week now, but I’m through with your lousy attempts at humiliating me. Whatever it is that you have against me, you had better keep it in check, or you’re going to regret it. All your life.”

Just then Mr. Hamilton returned.

“Mr. Kincaid, Ms. Jackson, the principal would like to have a chat with you both.”

I glared at her and she glared right back.

This cat had claws.


Meow. Haha just had to :D Yeah, that stupid 'tennis match' conversation? I apologise for that. I realized how stupid it sounded as I wrote it so I got lazy and kinda sorta made it a part of the story anyway :P

RandomFactAboutMe #4: I am, along with at least 1/2 of the living beings on this planet, very very very lazy. I'm not even going to deny it, nah. For example, I've probably had my lunch, and dinner in the same exact place I'm sitting at the moment. I think I should stop this fact thing. *creepy whisper* You already know too much.

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