Chapter 15: The Amazing Girl Who Puked On Kayla.

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The Amazing Girl Who Puked On Kayla.



“He what?!” Here we go again.

 “Yes, Martha, he did.”

 “In the middle of the road? Alone?

 “Yes, Martha.” Now she’s going to sulk about how she wasn’t there to see it. Again.

 “That jerk! I’m going to kill him! He can’t just do that!”

 “You’re angry?”


 “But you laughed when I told you about the dance floor thing!”

 “That was different. I thought he liked you then. But this is just horrible! Thank god for Eric!”

 She’d come over when I’d called her and told her about the date with Eric. She was squealing over the phone all the way till she reached here.

And we’d just almost finished our heart to heart, complete with all the drooling over Eric, bitching about you-know-who and indignation at Matt’s dating habits.

 Matt had this horrible habit. I don’t blame him, he’s been through at least a twenty failed relationships. Seventeen of them failed because he was cheated on. Really, how many girls could I kill before getting caught?

 I mean, who could even think of cheating on Matt? He was like the perfect boyfriend. He was funny, athletic, secretly intelligent and a gentleman to the boot. He was even hot, with his dark blond hair and piercing blue eyes, though I was never going to admit that in front of him.

And if you took the time to know him, he could be heart achingly sweet.

 So, the problem was, he’d had enough of relationships, and ever since his last bad break up, I’m the only girl he’s gone out with who was his age. And that was a year ago. Otherwise he just picks up these older women from the bar, counters in shops and stores, and once, he just gave a lift to some strange women who he later shagged.

 The point of these relationships, if you can call them that, was to keep it [sex]y and simple. But I could see him get sucked in deeper by each ‘relationship’ he had, like it was an addiction.

I didn’t want one of my best friends to turn into a serial player and commitment-phobe. And at the rate he was going, I could see that happening before senior year ended.

 I don’t want him to become someone who makes a girl cry at prom. I don’t want to have to leave him because he’s just too heartless to be around any more, though I’ll never do that. I knew I was getting too sentimental and carried away, but I’ve seen that happen to my brother, and I’ve seen Cindy get him out of it.

That was why I wished that Matt and I could’ve loved each other in that way. I hoped he found someone soon to get him out of it.

 It would have been fine if he liked older women or something, but he’s not inclined that way. And it just kills me to see him waste all that personality on stupid oversexed bimbos. I totally feared that his superior intellect would be marred by these airheads. And I’m not being discriminating, but who just sleeps with anybody?

I seriously don’t want people to talk about Matt that way. But he’ll just never listen, will he?

 The one guy I wanted it to seriously work out with, it turns out that we don’t have the spark. Darn.

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