Chapter 19: A Pool of Frustrated Green Slime.

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A Pool of Frustrated Green Slime.



What the absolute fuck?

That was my first thought on realising that it was Friday. And that Jake hadn’t bothered to talk to me since the kiss on Wednesday. And trust me, it was quite a kiss. Followed by an intensely heated make out session. Just thinking about it caused me to get hot all over.

So, why hadn’t he called? I was never a fan of self pity, but all this was too much to take in. Last week, I’d found out that Eric was gay, and now the next guy I kissed turned out to be a total ass.

God, I was pathetic. How was I supposed to go to school? I just lay there, staring at the ceiling until Matt and Martha dragged my ass to the bathroom and ordered me to brush my teeth.

Ah, friends.

When I was finally in the backseat of Matt’s car, I promptly fell asleep. Martha and Matt probably used this as an opportunity to make out, since I always offered Martha shotgun. The past two days had been rough on Matt. Also, they liked to hold hands, and I found it easier to not look when I was in the backseat

That’s not to say that I didn’t make disgusting faces in the rear view mirror. This whole third wheel thing was annoying. I couldn’t imagine what Martha must have had to go through when Matt and I were dating.

We reached school and headed straight to our classes. I swear I’d never felt this nervous before. How was I supposed to look at him without feeling like a total fool?

Keeping my head down, I slowly walked to my seat and sat, waiting for the lecture to end. After a while I felt a twinge at the back of my neck, and somehow I knew he was staring at me, willing me to turn and look.

I didn’t.

A paper ball hit my head and rolled to the floor. I hated myself for doing it, but I reached down and picked it up. I couldn’t stop that little part of my brain which suggested that it might be an apology. I opened it.


Just making sure we’re on the same page about what happened. We could have a no strings attached kinda thing going on here. Meet me in the downstairs closet during recess if you’re up for a quickie.


I think I heard my heart break. Why the fuck do I have to fall for the King of Jerks? Is a normal cute, funny boyfriend too much to ask?

He wanted a quickie. In the closet.

How could I have ever imagined that he would want more?

How could I have wanted more?

I could feel his burning gaze on my neck, and instinctively I knew that he wanted an explosive reaction out of me. Well, he wasn’t going to get one.

Neatly, I tore the paper into small equal pieces and crushed them in my hand, holding on to them like they were my lifeline. I barely noticed when class got over, and walked like a zombie to the dustbin and threw the pieces in. As I turned to get out, I bumped into somebody. Well, not just anybody.

I recognised his scent immediately, seeing as how I’d spent most of Wednesday making out with him. I paused, regained my balance and walked around him. At the last possible moment his hand shot out and captured my wrist jerking me back.

I swear my entire body jolted. Fuck, it was like my brain was totally alienated from my touch receptors, which was a biological impossibility. The fact that I couldn’t control my oversexed teenaged hormones around him was so annoying that I forgot all about being indifferent.

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