Epilogue: Part 2

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Epilogue: Part 2

Martha was on her way to the annual Jackson’s barbecue in a beat up old truck that was about to get crushed into sheets pretty soon when her phone rang. She happened to glance at the caller ID and nearly swerved off the road.


She was carefully to pull up at the side of the road before she picked up the call. And she just had to pick up.


“Liz?” She felt Matt’s voice resonate down to the tips of her toes. Matt was the only one to call her Liz, a shortening of her middle name, Elizabeth. Of course, he did that only when they were alone.

God, it felt so good to hear his voice.


“I miss you.” He whispered, brokenly.

There were a thousand other things Martha could’ve said in reply, starting with, then why did you leave?

But instead she said, “I miss you, too”, just as brokenly.

“Come to me.” He said. And she didn’t pretend to not understand the desperation in his tone.

“You know I can’t.” She said, pleadingly.

“Why not?” He whispered.

“For the same reason you can’t stay. My father’s here. I can’t just up and leave him. It’s my home.”

There was a pause at the other end, and Martha could hear the harsh sound of Matt’s breathing.

“We could be friends.” Matt spoke at last.

“We could.”

“So, what’s up with you?” He questioned, half-heartedly.

“There was this guy. He broke my heart.” Martha said quietly.

“He was a jerk. He should never have kissed you.”

“No. I don’t regret it. I loved him.”

“He loved you, too.” Matt’s voice cracked. Then, “We can’t ever be friends, can we?”

“No, we can’t.” She whispered.

“You will give me a farewell kiss, won’t you, Liz?”

Martha smiled and said yes even as she felt her eyes blurring. She softly pressed her lips to her phone and imagined Matt doing the same at the other end.

“Goodbye, Matt.”

“Goodbye, Martha.” He said, and she felt her heart shattering into a million pieces, all over again.

After the sobs that racked her body finally diminished to light sniffles, Martha turned the old truck around and drove back home. She wasn’t in a partying mood.


So. I just had to. I just HAD to. arghghhgh i'm all teary eyed now.

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