Worried about you

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“……. Raeyan?”

It was also a name that did not appear in the original. No matter how much I searched through my head, I couldn’t remember reading the name “Raeyan.”

Maybe he was lying to me about his name.

I looked quietly up at the man.

“You……no, Raeyan.”

“Tell me.”

“Yoon Ga-eul. You looked at me and called me that. Why did you do that?”

I didn’t know if he would give me the clear answer I wanted or if he would answer ambiguously this time, too.

“I had a dream,” he responded.


Raeyan nodded. “Of a different world than here. You are the person that kept appearing in those recurring dreams.”

‘I appeared in your dream?’

If a character in a novel dreamt of me from my previous life, did that mean that it was not just a coincidence that I transmigrated into this novel?

“As soon as I saw you, I could recognize you. That you are Yoon Ga-eul.”

Raeyan spoke with a stubbornly resolute tone and a gaze that did not question his own words at all.

I realized that there was no point denying or saying that person wasn’t me.

“Is that all? In your dream, a person named Yoon Ga-eul kept showing up, and as soon as you saw me, you recognized that I was that person.”


I was sure that he was hiding something from the way he paused for a moment before answering, but I didn’t bother to ask.

Because he won’t tell me anyway.

‘By the way, You’re really bad at lying.’

Since the lie in this answer was so obvious, it seemed safe to believe everything else was the truth.

I had a lot on my mind.

‘Did I know that guy in my previous life?’

It suddenly occurred to me that Raeyan might be a reincarnated person, like me.

What if the life of my past life that I believe is “reality” is a “dream” for that man, and the life I am living now, which I believe is “in the novel”, is “reality” to that man?

Depending on which life you focus on, your previous life can be a dream or vice versa.

I slowly recalled the faces of the people I knew as Yoon Ga-eul.

But there was no one who came to mind that made me think, ‘Yep, that is this person.’

I stifled the urge to hold my head and groan.

“What did Yoon Ga-eul in the dream call you?” I asked him, hoping to reverse engineer an answer.

“I was always just looking at you.”

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