Never, Ever Get Caught!

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Greed noticed the gleam in my eye and covered my mouth with a front paw.

[Slip of the tongue! Not a goose, anyway].


[Can't even lay a golden egg.......]

What's with the sulking.......

Anyway, it was a very, very, very good ability.

With this ability, even if you didn't have enough funds, you'd be able to make money quickly.

It was the perfect ability for me to turn a small amount of money into a large amount of money. My mind raced with all the ways I could use this ability to make money.

I covered my face with both hands to cover the cheekbones that were about to rise.

"'Mining lodes? Can I find them? Should I turn to real estate? Or talent scouting?

Hoo-hoo, hoo-hoo.......

I was just laughing sinisterly when I remembered Raeyan and Greed in front of me.


Suddenly, Greed burped loudly. Then it patted its round belly with its front paws and said casually.

[My stomach is so full].

Greed had said that my greed was the most important of my emotions. Him being full means.......



You mean my emotions are filled with greed.

Yes, I admit it. I was greedy.

But I also realize that anyone who has the power to do that would do all sorts of things. Not that I'm a particularly greedy person.

"Well, let's try it today. Let's go to the auction house we went to last time."

My whole body was tingling with anticipation. I was also curious to see what the value would be.

But then Greed jumped up and blocked my path out of the office.

[Wait a minute].


[Not finished speaking].

Greed's golden eyes glared up at me, and one corner of his mouth jerked up in a sneer.

The black fox's sneer was strangely infuriating.......

"What is it? Tell me."

[Cannot be used indefinitely.]

I was disappointed, but not entirely surprised. It would be strange for such a great power to be infinite.

Humbly accepting that there were limits, I asked Greed.

"How much can I use it?"

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