Beach (all members)

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Everyone had the day off for the first time in months due to the come back. It was also the best timing as well as it was the hight of summer so it was a very hot day. Everyone had decided it might be a nice idea to just go down to the beach and spend the day there in the sea and having fun. So in the morning everyone had different jobs. You, Felix and Seungmin had to pack all the food. Chan and Lee Know packed enough towels for everyone. I.n, Han and Hyunjin had to pack the games for everyone to play. Changbin just had to grab the umbrella so that everyone would have some shade to hide from the sun. You, Felix and Seungmin had packed lots of little nibble bits for everyone to have and snack on. It didn't take long for everyone to get ready so you headed out the door pretty early. Everyone had to pack their own spare clothes and swim suits so if anyone forgot theirs they couldn't blame it on anyone but themselves. Everyone split up into two cars of You, Chan, Han, Changbin and Felix whilst the other car was Lee Know, I.n , Seungmin and Hyunjin. Your car was playing songs and having a sing song on the way down to the beach. It was a vibe to be honest and really fun.

As you all got to the beach you found a quiet spot to set everything up. You helped Changbin set up the umbrella as everyone else set up food and games. Before you know it Han is begging you to go in the sea with him, "Okay okay I'll go in with you but we need to change first ding bat" you say throwing his bag at him to change. Everyone gave a giggle with how excited Han got when you said yes. As you change you made sure to have a top to keep over as you didn't feel fully comfortable in a swim suit straight away. It takes you a while to get used to it before you don't have to wear the shirt. As you came out the bathroom from changing Han and Felix picked you up to throw you in the sea. Instantly you started screaming out "Let go of me! I said i would go in but not like this" as you try to wriggle out of their grip. The other members just watched on at you struggling before the boys chucked you in the sea and they all bursted out laughing. Chan and Lee Know decided to help you get your own back and through both Felix and Han in as well. It was pretty funny seeing their faces when they noticed what was actually happening. Everyone else ended up joining you all in the sea splashing each other. You and Changbin mostly went after Seungmin before he was able to sneak attack on you and they both attacked you instead.

You ended up getting pretty tired and hot so you decided to go and sit under the umbrella. It was nice just watching the chaos of the boys from afar and take some photos and videos of them. Chan joined you after noticing you sitting out and not wanting to let you be by yourself. "You okay?" He asks collapsing down next to you. "Oh yeah I'm sine just got tired and hot so I wanted some shade." you answered smiling at Chan who looked exhausted from the kids targeting their attacks at him. He ends up calling everyone in to have some food and drink. Everyone came in puffing and panting. Most likely because Han shouted out last one there is a rotten Egg or something similar.

Everyone enjoyed the food that you, Felix and Seungmin made. "Should we play the games we brought then? We have frisbee and foot volleyball" I.N asked looking around at everyone who had seemed to stop eating. "FOOT VOLLEYBALL! JINKS!" Both Lee Know and Han shouted out which sent everyone into a laughing fit. You split into two teams with Chan being the one to watch out for any fouls. The teams where You, Seungmin, Lee Know and Hyunjin with the other team as Han, I.n, Changbin and Felix. As the game started you decided to take off your shirt as it started to annoy you more and more. Your team ended up getting a lead ahead with it being 5-0. The other team slowly started to get closer to catching up with your team pretty quickly. "To add pressure to this game first team to get to ten points gets to throw the losing team into the sea!" Chan shouts out over everyone. This made the other team try even harder to get more points. It ended up being 8-9 to the other team so your team started to get worried. At that point the other team scored the last point. Your team started legging it away from the other team to try and not get thrown in the sea. Changbin was coming after you and caught you pretty quickly. Chan ended up filming all the chaos. Changbin threw you into the sea and once you resurfaced you heard three other splashes next to you. Your team started splashing the other team to try and get your own back.

As everyone was getting dry and changed you helped Chan get everything packed up as you two changed before everyone else. You had all spent the full day on the beach as the sun was about to set. Once everything was back in the car everyone had decided to stay and watch the sun set together. You all found a bench to sit on and you was on the end with Changbin next to you. Everyone was just talking about life and anything really. Chan took a picture of the sunset to send to Stay then got up to take a picture of everyone to send as well and also just to have a photo to remember this moment. After being sat for a while you started to get cold and really tired. Changbin had noticed so he gave you his jacket to wear and let you lean on him as he had an arm round you.

After talking for what felt like hours others where getting cold and tired so everyone agreed to head back to the dorms. Everyone got back in the same cars they came in but this time your car was quieter as you and Felix both fell asleep on Changbin's shoulders. Once you got back Changbin didn't want to wake you up from how tired you where so he carried you to your bunk and tucked you in to bed as you where luckily bottom bunk.

(Written by Gem)

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