Opening up (BangChan, Lee Know, Changbin, Seungmin)

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*TW SELF HARM AND THOUGHTS OF NOT BEING GOOD ENOUGH AND WANTING TO DIE PANICK ATTACK*.                                                                                                                                                                         Slight continuation from dad passing.

(Seungmin Pov)

I had started to become worried about y/n recently. Something didn't seem right with her since she told us about her dad and what she went through. At first she would show emotions and ask for help if she didn't feel good but now she just hides and doesn't talk. I would frequently come home to our shared room and she would just be huddled up reading and won't talk. Knowing that she wasn't feeling good I tried to keep a close eye on her. Trying to question her and ask if she is genuinely okay I would just get shrugged off being told she doesn't want to talk at all about anything. It got to the point where I knew something was definitely wrong today. When I woke up y/n wasn't in her bed when I normally have to wake her up.

(Y/n pov)

I couldn't sleep most of the night. I couldn't shut my brain up. Thoughts where running around my head at a million miles an hour. 'Why do we even try. Just hurt yourself again you deserve it. Whats the point of living anymore.'. I looked over at my clock on the night stand and saw it was 7am. Knowing Seungmin would be up soon I went to the kitchen to just avoid him and get ready before everyone else got up. I knew Seungmin would be concerned when I wasn't in bed when he woke up but I didn't care I was tired. As I was making coffee to try and get some sort of energy I hear a chirpy Seungmin shuffle out the bedroom, "Morning y/n! Your up early everything okay?". What was it with Seungmin constantly asking if I was okay, "I'm fine just woke up early and decided to make coffee. I'm going to go get ready see ya." I say walking off to the bedroom to avoid anymore questions.

(No ones pov)

Seungmin just stood confused in the kitchen. You didn't seem to be okay and you walked off quickly which was confusing. He didn't have much time to overthink before the other members pilled into the kitchen. Chan and Changbin where still practically asleep whereas everyone had lots of energy. Seungmin knew he had to talk to someone about you but didn't know when or who. He knew you was closest too him and the oldest three and would come to any of them to talk about whats going on. "You okay Seungmin?" Lee Know questioned coming to Seungmin's side as he was still staring off.

(Lee Know Pov)

I stood next to Seungmin unsure of what was going on he was just staring off into space not reacting to anything around. As I asked if he was okay he just shook his head which made me worried. Was he sick? As I went to put my hand on his forehead to see if he was ill he swatted it away, "No I'm not ill. I'm worried about y/n. Can we talk after breakfast about it?" he asked which worried me. I nod before going to sit down at the table next to Seungmin. Y/n didn't come out to eat but Seungmin told everyone she was up early so she might have eaten before hand.

Once me and Seungmin had finished breakfast I pulled him into my shared room with Chan. Shutting the door behind me and gesturing for him to sit on the bed, "Tell me whats bothering you then." Seungmin took a deep breath as I sat next to him as he started to ramble. "Well ever since y/n spoke about her dad and told us all what happened she was talking to us and asking for help showing emotions. Now she won't talk to us or show any emotions. So often I walk in our room and she's curled up reading. It's almost like she's curled up crying and just acts if she's reading to hide the fact. I'm worried as well as she seems to be sleeping in hoodies but our room is way to hot for that. What if she's started to self harm again. I'm scared Min what if she's hiding herself away and is going to do something. I can't lose her!" His eyes filled with tears as he spoke which soon spilled over once he stopped talking. My heart sank I knew Y/n had stopped showing and talking about how she felt but I didn't think much of it and didn't notice how she seemed to be struggling. As Seungmin just cried I pulled him into a hug hoping he would calm down slightly as he was really worked up clearly really caring about y/n. "Seungmin we'll talk to her okay and let Chan and Changbin know too how your worried so we can all keep an eye on her. Thank you for telling me. Do you think you'll be okay here for a minute so I can grab Chan and Changbin to talk?" I asked looking at Seungmin who gave a slight nod before realising the hug he had engulfed me in.

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