Panic attack (all members)

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This is how I imagine the members would react to seeing you have a panic attack

Bang Chan -

-Would make sure your sat down

-Hold your hand and stroke the back of it with his thumb

-Speak quietly and softly to try to calm you

-Help you calm your breathing with saying "hey breath with me"

-Would make eye contact if you don't mind it (I hate eye contact so for me I would hate if he did that)

-Wouldn't leave you until you where calm and get water for you

Lee Know -

-At first wouldn't know what to do

-Would sit next to you and just stroke your back

-Just sit with you in silent and let you talk if you need to

-Wouldn't leave until you where better

Changbin -

-Would instantly pull you into a hug

-Let you cry onto his shoulder

-Would say "Hey your okay. I'm here your safe. Do you want to talk about whats wrong?"

-He would listen to you and try to help if he was able to.

-Would try to help cheer you up and make you forget whats happened

Hyunjin -

-Would freak out at first not knowing how to help

-Just hug you tight to make you feel safe

-Would try to help you gain control of your breathing

-Wouldn't leave your side for the rest of the day/night

Han -

-He would instantly know what helps you calm down in this situation

-Would have you sat down and holding his hand

-Would have you match his breathing so that you can gain control and catch your breath

-Making sure that you told him what panicked you so he can help you avoid another panic attack

-Wouldn't leave you until you said so

Felix -

-Would run over to you as soon as he saw you starting to panic

-Hold you into a hug and make circles on your back

-Making sure that you knew he was there and wasn't going to leave your side

-After you calmed down he would make brownies with you

Seungmin -

-Would let you just cry onto him

-Softly speaks to you "Your okay. I'm here for you when you want to talk about whats wrong"

-Would make sure that you had some water after

I.N -

-Wouldn't know how to help so would call out to the members for help

-Would hug you until another member comes

-Run his fingers through your hair as he hugged you

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