Always Proud (Felix)

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(A little imagine about Y/N watching Felix walk the runway for Louis Vuitton at Paris Fashion Week and being an incredibly proud girlfriend)

Today was an incredibly special day.

Today, my boyfriend felix will be making his runway debut for Paris Fashion Week. And I'll be there watching him.

Felix and I recently confirmed our relationship to the public, and the amount of support we've received is amazing. It's amazing to see how supportive STAY could be...

I can't believe I'll be supporting him for his runway debut. I couldn't be more proud.

A few minutes before the show was due to start, I was wandering around backstage, trying to locate my boyfriend to wish him luck before the show.

Eventually, after some wandering around, I found him having a quiet moment to himself before the show starts. He was already in his runway outfit and had his makeup done.

As I was walking over to him, he noticed me and smiled widely. I quickly ran over to him as he pulled me into a hug. "What are you doing here?" He smiled as we pulled apart."Just wanted to wish you luck. I'm so proud of you, Lixie, " I said as he held onto my hand "Thanks Darling. Your support means everything to me. " he smiled as he gave me a quick kiss.

"I'll see u soon. Just do your best out there. That's all I can ask" I smiled as I gave him one last hug "Love you" he smiled as we parted so he could get ready to walk and I could go back to my seat.

I went back into the venue and found my seat. I'm sat next to Lisa from Blackpink, which I love. "You excited for the show?" Lisa asked as I took my seat. "Absolutely. I'm just nervous" I replied as I looked at her.

I think Lisa could sense my nerves because she put her hand on my knee "Felix will smash it. Nicholas put his trust him and we should as well" she said "I do trust him. I'm just scared for him. It's his debut after all..." I wasn't helping my nerves by stressing. "Honestly Y/N you have nothing to worry about. Let's enjoy the show, yh?" She smiled as the light dimmed so the show could start.

It didn't take long until I saw him... my boyfriend was walking down the runway. He looked so focused.. I quickly took my phone out to record him coming down past me.

I had the biggest smile on my face as he walked by. He looked amazing. My heart was honestly bursting with pride.

As the runway was coming to an end and all the models came out, I quickly got up and started clapping and cheering for Felix. I can't wait to see him so soon.

When the show concluded, i was instantly walking backstage to find felix. When I found him, he had changed out of his runway outfit and was dressed in a white dress shirt and black trousers.

I instantly ran over to him before he had a chance to even realise I was there. I threw my arms around him as he hugged me tightly back

"Lixie, u were absolutely amazing!" I said as he held me tightly in his arms."You really liked it?" He asked as he pulled back from me. "I loved it! You looked so amazing!" I smiled

That night, we ended up celebrating the show at this amazing after-party with the whole team. It was absolutely amazing.

Felix's runway debut was such a success, and I couldn't be more proud of him. Hopefully, this opens up many more doors for him. He honestly deserves it all and so much more.


(I know this seems a bit rushed as I do apologise, guys. I just wanted to get something out for you guys. Hope you like it <3 Make sure to request if you guys ever have an idea)

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