Dad dieing (all members)

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*This story does not have any link to the pervious story of Dad passing. This is completely different and it will become clear that they are not linked if you have read dad passing. Also this story is again very close with me personally as I lost my dad due to cancer over 4 years ago with cancer. So this is pretty similar to my own story but with a twist.*

Also Y/N is younger than I.N by 2 years so born in 2003. The age isn't specific but you need to know that y/n is the youngest in this story.

*1 year before present day*

*Y/n's Pov*

Today was not going how i expected. To wake up to a phone call from mum back in England to tell me that my dad had been diagnosed with cancer. When I got the phone call no one was in the room with me so no one witnessed me taking the call. I wished someone was there though. The amount of emotions i went through at once was overwhelming. Mum had told me that he is going to do chemo but the doctors don't think he will beat it so it's more about extending his life expectancy for now. I felt like i needed to cry but I couldn't. I knew i wasn't going to be able to go back to England at all for dad's chemo or anything due to schedules. The overwhelming feelings started to get to much and I had so much anxiety about what was going to happen in the future now. Dad was my biggest supporter growing up there was no way I could lose him what would I do without him? I knew i needed to tell the members what I've been told and I just wanted someone to hug me whilst I cry and knowing they where all in the living room I went to go tell them.

*Felix's Pov*

All the members apart from Y/n where sat in the living room doing their own things. Most of us just scrolling on our phones or watching the random anime Han had put on. We didn't know if Y/n was going to join us or even awake as they normally slept in very late on day's off so we where all shocked when they appeared in the living room. They seemed nervous which was odd, "Can you.... pause what your doing I have.... something to tell you all" they said suddenly stumbling over their words so everyone put their phones away and Han paused the anime we had on. It was odd for Y/n to ask to talk to us as a whole like this so we knew something must be wrong especially as they seemed so nervous. "Okay so I don't know how to say this. I just had a phone call from my mum...... My dad has got ca....cancer.... and we dont.... know how long he's got left...... but doctors say chemo is mostly for extending his.... life expectancy so they don't think he will overcome it." They said slowly and stuttering clearly trying not to cry but the tears spilled over at the end. Instantly I went over and wrapped them into a hug and brought them over to the sofa between me and Chan. Everyone came over and we created a huge group hug where Y/n felt comfortable to let all her emotions out.

*Chan's Pov*

My heart broke for Y/n as they explained about what their mum had just told them. It is so unfair and I knew they most likely wouldn't be able to go back to England to see their dad again due to schedules and comebacks which broke my heart for them. It wasn't fair. After a good minute of just hugging Y/n we all broke out of the hug but Y/n clinged to my arm clearly not ready to be let go yet so I just kept holding them. It was a comfortable silence until Y/n spoke up, "please continue what you where doing before I don't want to think about this anymore." so thats what we did. Han started playing the anime again and everyone did their own thing on their phones. I just stayed cuddling Y/n and kissing their forehead every now and again until they let go of me.

*Y/n's Pov*

The boys didn't bring up what had happened for the rest of the day but Chan did come with me to tell the company what I had found out. To our surprise they want to make a plan for all of us to go to England for a fake schedule so the internet dont find out why we are truely there but so I would be able to go see my dad. I was so surprised and happy to hear they would do that for me so I went back to the dorm happy. It was a alright day after that as i didn't think about it much as the boys kept me distracted. Until it was night and we all said goodnight. It suddenly hit me again what this all meant and again started to get emotional. I was determined to not cry as I didn't want to wake up Han or I.N who I shared a room with. But that clearly didn't work when suddenly a light flicked on.

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