Chapter 7 - Moments before disasters

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It's been a little over a month since the intense conversation with my brother, Zane, and his friend Thomas. I find myself gradually relaxing my shoulders, feeling relief and hope. It appears that Venus Biotech may have dropped the idea of selling 'Light' and the dangerous virus might be left untouched, for now. The weight that has been pressing down on me was starting to lift, allowing a glimmer of optimism to seep in.

Despite the temporary respite, the memory of the mutation experiment and the uncertain consequences it brought still lingers in my mind. The struggle to develop an antidote remains an unyielding challenge, and I can't help but wonder if it's an insurmountable one. The ongoing quest for a solution to 'Light' and the potential devastation it would cause continues to haunt me, even during these moments of perceived calm.

I've been back at the lab, continuing my research and striving to find answers. However, as the days pass, I can't shake the feeling that 'Light' is far from being under control. Its volatile nature and unpredictable behavior are a constant reminder of the threat it poses to the world.

Mike has been more relaxed around me lately, and occasionally, I catch a glimpse of an apologetic look in his eyes. It seems that he may have come to terms with the fact that our relationship is strictly professional. While our interactions remain courteous, the tension that once hung in the air has slowly dissipated. However, I can't help but wonder if Mike's change in demeanor is genuine or if there's more beneath the surface.

I've realized that creating an antidote for 'Light' is an impossible task. Despite my efforts, the virus proves to be resistant to any conventional treatment. Emma's silence on the mutation experiment confirms that the company lost interest in 'Light's' abilities.

I started returning to my daily task, which existed before the conflict about 'light', now my goal again was to find a cure against cancer.

my phone buzzes with an incoming call. It was Emma Venus. Her name flashing on my screen sent a shiver down my spine. I took a deep breath and answered.

"Jane, could you please come to my office? I have something important to discuss," Emma's voice was firm and unyielding.

With a sense of foreboding, I headed to her office. Emma's secretary greeted me with a solemn look as I entered, further heightening my anxiety.

As I stood before Emma's imposing desk, she looked at me with a measured expression. "Jane, I'm afraid I have some news." Emma's words hung in the air, heavy and with meaning.

"What's going on?" I asked cautiously, unable to hide the worry in my voice.

Jared entered the room, his face as inscrutable as Emma's. "Jane, we've reached a decision regarding 'Light'," he began, his tone indicating how serious this was gonna be.

I wait in silence, my heart pounding as I anticipate their next words. Emma's gaze bore into mine, and she finally reveals the truth. "We've decided to sell 'Light.' It's a considerable deal, and it will be delivered today. We no longer require your services, Jane."

The world seems to spin as I try to process her words. 'Light,' the virus I had created, was being sold. The virus I had tried so hard to contain and understand. The virus with the power to cause untold destruction was being transferred to who knows where.

Stunned, I could only manage to ask, "Why?"

Emma's reply was cold and calculated. "The potential benefits are substantial, Jane. We've decided to take this path, and your employment with Venus Biotech is terminated as of today."

The weight of Emma's decision pressed down on me like a heavy stone, leaving me breathless. "But you cannot sell it without my agreement. When did you sell it?" I manage to protest, my voice a mix of anger and despair.

"We had sold it last month," Emma replies with a cold, unyielding look. "You can now leave the office."

My steps were unsteady as I storm out of her office. The reality sunk in; I had been betrayed. My creation, 'Light,' now in the hands of unknown individuals. I couldn't fathom how they could have done this, and why.

Determined to understand more, I head to the lab to collect my belongings. As I gather my things, Mike looks at me with a mix of confusion and sympathy. I glance up at the lab screen, which has been muted but displays alarming subtitles of New York Times news.

"What is happening in NYC" I read, my eyes widening as the subtitles continue to change. "People are showing extreme signs of aggression and are uncontrollable."

Videos are shown of people attacking and hurting other people.

My heart sank as I realize that 'Light' was responsible for the chaos unfolding in New York City. Mike, too, looks at the screen, his expression filled with shock. "Oh my God."

I frantically dialed Zane's number, my heart pounding with fear. "It's happening right now," I said urgently.

"Where?" Zane's voice was laced with concern.

"New York City," I reply. "And at the rate it's spreading, we don't even have 30 minutes."

"Where are you?" Zane asks.

"I'm at the lab," I hesitate. "But my car is getting fixed. I can't reach you."

Zane reassures me, "I'll come to get you. Just wait at the parking lot."

As chaos envelopes the facility, scientists rush to leave, their families at the forefront of their minds. I stand here for a moment, feeling frozen in the midst of the turmoil.

Mike places his hands on my shoulders, snapping me out of my daze. "Let's go," he says, pulling me by the hand. We hurry toward the parking lot, where I anxiously wait.

Finally, a black car approaches us and came to a stop. It is Thomas behind the steering wheel. Mike was about to leave, but I stopped him. "You can come with us," I offered, knowing he had no one else.

Thomas gave me a disapproving look, clearly unhappy about the change of plans. Mike smiled and gets into the car as I take the passenger seat.

"Why are you here? Where's Zane?" I ask Thomas.

He manages a brief reply, "Change of plans," and then drives us away from the chaos.

As the car sped away from the lab and the urgency of the situation hung in the air, Thomas starts talking. "Well, Jane, it's not the ideal way to spend an evening, but at least I have some beautiful company to keep me distracted from the chaos." He flashes a mischievous grin.

"you just couldn't resist the opportunity for a playful flirt"

I couldn't help but smile, despite the dire circumstances. Thomas has a way of injecting a touch of lightheartedness into even the most challenging moments, and it is something I cherish about him.

Mike clears his throat "I'm still here".


Word count : 1161

By night-ed

Book one : Untold Story


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