Chapter 31 - Caught

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The sun didnt descent yet, and as my duties in the lab concluded, I made my way to Thomas's location, he is probably still laying in that nurse bed. The report on my experiments with the walker lay in the general's hands, and I felt a peculiar mix of relief and apprehension about its implications.

As I approach the tent that had been designated as Thomas's shelter and hospital room, I paused outside. The subdued hum of activity within the camp still carried on, but the atmosphere had a different energy at this time of day. People were settling into their routines, and the fading light cast long shadows over the makeshift homes.

Before entering, I couldn't help but overhear a conversation taking place within the tent. A woman's voice, unmistakably Alice's, mingled with Thomas's. My curiosity got the best of me, and I hesitated, eavesdropping on their exchange.

Their tones held an unexpected lighthearted and affectionate, filled with shared laughter. The realization hit me like a punch to the gut – I peeked through the tents entarnc, to see them sharing a kiss. I felt a jolt of pain, a pang of hurt that I hadn't anticipated.

Without giving them a chance to see me, I turned away, quickly retreating from the scene. The revelation stung more than I had anticipated. In the midst of the apocalypse, when normalcy seemed like a distant memory, such a discovery hit me like a betrayal. The sudden awareness of my own feelings for Thomas had me wrestling with emotions I wasn't prepared to confront.

With tears in my eyes, I rushed back to the tent I shared with my family. The tent was empty, leaving me with my feelings alone.

I couldn't deny the unease that had settled in the pit of my stomach. The night stretched before me, filled with questions and emotions I wasn't prepared to face. i had slowly started to fall for Thomas, and now it was too late. I had thought we have something genuine, but he seems to make all women feel that way.

15 minutes pass, and finally somebody appears to get into the tent, relief washes over me as i know i dont have to be alone with my feeling anymore. but that relief was gone, as Thomas's face appeared.

"I was waiting for you to heat my bed" he smirks at me, and i try to ignore him, looking away and not paying attention to him.

"Jane?" he gets closer. and i explode.

"No, you dont get to act all innocent" my voice a little louder than i had planned, i rise to my feet. his face breaks out in confusion.

"I saw you with that nurse, you already have someone to heat up your bed, so dont you dare act all flirty with me" i continue.

"Jane, no its not what it-" he tries, but i interrupt.

"You know i was actually thinking we have something. But you walk around kissing other women."

"Jane i didn-" i interrupt him again, not wanting to hear any of it.

"Thomas, i was actually starting to fal-" now it his turn to interrupt me, but he doesnt do it with words, he does it with a kiss. and he doesnt pull away, he continues kissing me, his hand moving along my back, pulling me closer, the other hand is holding my jaw, keeping my head in place.

I dont understand whats going on, but i know this kiss has been something i longed for so long. i push him away to say something, not letting the argument falter, but he gets the first word.

"Jane i didnt kiss Alice, she kissed me and i told her to leave" he catches his breath "I packed my stuff and came to you as fast as possible" he pauses "I am yours. And you are mine"

i am speechless, embarrassed and my cheeks are probably flushed again. He leans closer, i try to take a step back, but his hand moves to my hip and pulls me close, making me unable to move further away.

"Can i kiss you without getting interrupted?" he smirks, i stare at his lip, and just nod. 


Word count : 690

By night-ed

Book one : Untold Story


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