Chapter 18 - Tale of Thomas

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I'm a young boy, peeking through the curtains, watching the darkening sky. The air grows tense as I wait for my father's return, knowing that his arrival will bring storms of chaos and anger to our home.

Our house, a crumbling refuge filled with silence and darkness, the walls have seen far too much. It carries the scars of my father's rages, and the worn-out exterior mirrors my mother's fading spirit. She's distant and detached, leaving me alone to face the tempest that is my father.

I can sense my father's approach, the strong stench of alcohol preceding his arrival. The sound of his heavy, inebriated footsteps sends shivers down my spine. I've learned to be silent, to hide from his wrath.

With each step he takes, the tension in our home rises. The moment he enters, the storm begins. His anger is like a wildfire, ignited by the smallest sparks—a spilled drink, a misplaced word. The chaos that follows is a familiar dance of violence and fear. I wish I could disappear, and escape the chaos that engulfs our lives.

As the sun sinks beneath the horizon, my father transforms. He becomes unpredictable, his temper escalating with every passing minute. Our house is often engulfed by a tempest of anger and chaos. I feel powerless and defenseless, a small child trying to navigate the turbulent waters of my father's temper.

I used to try to protect my mother, from his fury, but I quickly realized that her own alcoholism and neglect were their own forms of cruelty. She retreated from the world, leaving me to face my father's anger alone. The scars from those painful memories shaped me into a tough, guarded young man. the bruises, blood and scars were just temporary, but the longing for a loving family would stay for the years to come.


Word count : 307

By night-ed

Book one : Untold Story


Untold Story  ║  Book 1 of The Untold seriesWhere stories live. Discover now