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*January 2011*

There's been some talk about making music. Simon said we have a meeting today at 12pm. I'm kind of scared, not going to lie. We were all getting there separately. Mum was taking me, surprisingly. Once I arrived I saw that Harry was waiting outside with Niall, I'm assuming they are waiting for me. I got out and walked towards them, once they saw me they started making their way inside.

Simon made us sit on this round table, he was on the end then on one of the sides he made me, Louis and Niall sit down and then the other side was Harry, Liam and Zayn. Once we were settled down, Simon showed us a few pictures.

"This is going to be your management. The Modest Management. I'm your big boss." Simon said, we all looked at each other, "I understand you guys are 16, 17, 18 and 19 but we will need  you to sign a few things. I'll explain everything. Each of you has your own booklet." He hands out a booklet, packed with paper. Each of them had our names on and our band name.

Liam Payne, Niall Horan, Harry Styles, Zayn Malik, Kenzie Swift and Louis Tomlinson
One Direction
Contract Deal

"So, none of you can date. I'm afraid. We, the management and I, all agreed that if any of you date then it would ruin the band and its reputation. If you do want to date then talk to me, I'll sort something out. Be on your best behaviour, you are professionals now. We have stylists who will style you the way we have decided to style you but it may change, it could possibly be for the start of your career. I think that's all I need to say, everything else is in the booklet. We need you to sign them today, ideally now." Simon explained, we were all speechless. We never thought about this.

We all signed our pages.


It's January 24th. It's been 10 days since our meeting with Simon. Since then Harry's been acting a bit weird, it might just be me. Today was a Monday and usually on Monday night the boys and I would have movie night. I was sat on the sofa under my fluffy grey blanket, Harry was also sitting next to me under my blanket and the rest of the boys were in the kitchen grabbing the goodies. Suddenly Harry started tickling me, this was out of the blue so I wasn't expecting it. I tried to get him back but he just kept getting me. A few minutes passed and we were still messing around, I slightly pushed him away as I couldn't breathe from laughter. He stopped and looked at me for what felt like hours were only seconds.

"What's wrong?" I asked but he just kept staring at me, I don't know if I was tripping out but I'm sure he was looking at my lips every now and then, "Harry?"

"I like you, Kenzie. Like a lot, I like you a lot." He said, I don't think I want to believe that. No boy has ever said they have liked me a lot.

"Harry, stop." I laughed, thinking he's just playing with me. It took him awhile before he started saying something else.

"Kenzie, will you be my girlfriend?" Harry asked.

I just stared at him, there's no way he just asked me that. He's joking with me.

"Harry, we can't. It's in our contracts, we aren't allowed." I explained, I was seriously regretting saying that.

"I don't care, I wanna be yours," He said, I just stayed staring at him, not sure what to say next, "you're my best friend, Kenzie."

I knew what this was, he's in love. We are in love.

"I like you too." I said, he smiled and then he leaned in for a kiss. I can't believe this was happening, my first kiss was Harry Styles. As soon as our lips touched, I heard cheering but I didn't let my lips off Harry's. I continued kissing him, with a smile on my face.


"Come on Harry." I said as I pulled Harry into Simon's office. I wondered how well this would go. We get into the office, Simon was telling us to sit down straight away. We do.

"I know why you're in here." Simon said, me and Harry both looked at each other

"You do?" I asked and Simon nodded

"You two are dating. I figured this would happen, I knew from the beginning that's why I said in the meeting the other week that if any of you want to date I would sort something and I've been sorting something out because I knew this was coming." Simon explained, leaving us shocked.

"Oh. What is that you sorted?" Harry asked

"I made a new contract deal for you." Simon replied, we nodded

"Okay, tell us." I said politely

"If you sign these," Simon started while giving us paper, "then you agree to get into stunt relationships set by the management plus me. If there is a person you do not want to 'date' then you can say no but give a proper good reason. You can break off the relationship anytime you want but only after 3 months. Your relationship would be private, only close friends such as the boys and family can know. The fans will not know."

Harry and I looked at each other, we were not expecting anything like this. I want to date Harry and if that means signing this contract then pass me the papers.

Harry looked back at Simon before grabbing the paper and pen. I watched Harry sign the papers. After he finished, he passed me the pen and looked at me praying that I would do the same. I did. I signed the papers.

Let's see what my future holds for me.

I'm leaving tonight. [h.s]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora