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Louis and I were currently writing a song for our next album. We were in my dressing room while the other boys were in the main dressing room doing god knows what, probably playing video games.

Taylor is arriving very soon, she said that she was going to arrive an hour before we go on stage. We have exactly 1 hour 50 minutes.

Louis and I have written two verses, and we are now trying to write the chorus. He was sitting on my sofa while I was sitting on the floor.

"I think we should take a break from this." Louis said as he laid back.

"Yeah." I agreed, I got up and went over to my dressing table.

"You okay?" Louis asked as I sat down, I looked over at him.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I responded

"You're not fine, and that's completely okay." He stated. I nodded at him, knowing that he was right.

"Just feeling a bit under the weather." I quoted

"I know, Harry's a fucking dick. I hate him for what he has done to you." Louis ranted

"I mean, he had his reasons but I just wished he would have listened to me." I stated, he nodded.

"He didn't really have a reason, though. Sebastian kissed you, you pulled away straight away, and you had no control over you and Luke." Louis stated

"Yeah, but I guess it's the thought that Sebastian, another boy, had kissed me and Harry wasn't there to witness me pulling away. He probably doesn't believe me." I explained

"Well, he's a knob for not believing you." Louis said, I gave him a little laugh but the laugh doesn't last until it turned into a cry. Once Louis realised I was crying, he quickly came to me. I put my hands on my face to cover the fact that I was crying.

"I don't know why he doesn't believe me," I cried as Louis hugged me, "I wouldn't cheat on him, I wouldn't, Lou."

"I know, Kenz. I know you wouldn't." Louis comforted me as I cried in his chest.

"I just wished he knew how sorry I am." I bawled

"He does, Kenzie. I promise you, he does." Louis said as he rubbed my back in comfort.

I continued to cry as Louis tried his very best to comfort me. He pulled away and lifted my head up to look at my face, forcing myself to move my hands. He licked his thumb and wiped my smudged mascara off that formed when I was crying. Normally I don't like when someone does this but I couldn't be bothered to stop Louis.

"Don't want you to ruin your mascara even though you're perfect with and without." Louis said, making me smile at him.

"I'm sorry for all this, Lou, but it hurts so much." I said, letting out another cry again. Louis lifted my head up and shook his head.

"Don't apologise, you just had your heart broken and you're allowed to be upset." He stated, I nodded and then pulled him into another hug.


I had started to fix my makeup but I was crying again when Taylor arrived. As soon as I saw her, I started crying. Louis said that he was going to give us some time together but Taylor insisted that he should stay. She said that I needed a best friend to comfort me as well as her.

So here we are, Taylor and I sat on the floor while Louis sat on the coffee table. I finally fixed my makeup, Taylor had helped me. Louis and I didn't have long before we had to make our way to the stage, I think we had about half an hour left. Liam came to check on us, making sure we were getting ready for the show and luckily this was after my breakdown so he didn't see me.

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