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I jumped on Liam's back, he quickly grabbed hold of my legs before I fell off. The fans screamed loudly.

"Piggyback!" I shouted which could be heard from Liam's microphone. He laughed.

The boys turned around to look at us, Niall started laughing instantly. I looked over to Harry who wasn't far from us, he gave me a big smile. I wrapped my arms around Liam's neck, being careful not to hold him too tightly so I wouldn't strangle him.

Looking in front of me, I realised I couldn't see Louis. Did he go off the stage?

Liam continued to walk towards the other side of the stage with the boys singing Rock Me in the background. I turned around as we passed Harry. Louis was sneaking up behind us and as soon as he saw me looking he grabbed my feet. He tried to pull me off Liam which made me hold Liam tighter.

Suddenly Liam fell to the floor causing me to fall off his back. I landed on top of him, and both of us were groaning from the sudden fall. I heard Louis laughing at us. I rolled off Liam and laid down next to him. I slowly picked my head up to look at Louis who was standing in front of us and I gave him the middle finger as I put my head back down. As I did this, I smiled.

"Are you alright?" I heard Liam ask, I turned to look at him and he was sitting up.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good." I replied, he nodded. The boys were nearly finished with Rock Me.

"Are you?" I asked and he gave me a thumbs up.

"I can't breathe, that was amazing." Louis laughed in his microphone as the song ended. I grabbed mine that was next to me; I dropped it when I fell.

"Oh, Louis, when I get you." I said in the microphone as I stood up. He immediately rushed away. I ran towards him passing Zayn and Harry.

When I reached Louis, I grabbed his shirt to pull him closer to me and then I tackled him. It was a playful tackle, I wasn't hurting him. I heard the fans at the front laughing and some screaming at our playful fight.

I stopped and took a step back but Louis decided to pretend he was punching my stomach. This made us walk in a circle as I was trying to stop him in a jokey way.

"Go on Kenzie!" Niall shouted in his mic, hyping me up.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Zayn shouted in his mic, I smiled to myself.

I pushed Louis away but the push was a little hard and he fell back on the floor. I followed after him as he grabbed my arm, pulling me with him. I was on top of him. Lying on top of him.

I suddenly get flashbacks of our sex.

I hurried off him and cleared my throat. He gave me a look but quickly changed this look as he realised we were on stage.

"Let's go on She's Not Afraid, shall we?" I asked, then nervously laughed. The fans screamed.

Louis stood up and put his hand out in front of me. I took this gesture and he pulled me up.

"You okay?" Louis asked, I looked at him.

"Flashbacks," I replied, he furrowed his eyebrows and I turned around, "of our sex."

Turning around so none of the fans can lip read what I was saying.

I then walked towards the back of the stage where the water bottles were kept. As I drank the water, I noticed someone waving behind the screen. I looked and saw Mazie. She was waving to get my attention, I shook my head. I couldn't go off to her when the chorus was any second.

"Three more songs after this." I mouthed to her, putting up three fingers and she nodded.



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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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