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It's Harry's birthday tomorrow morning so I'm sitting in the living room wrapping his presents as they only arrived yesterday. He's not here because Louis got him to go out somewhere, not sure where. I know we are going up to Manchester tomorrow to see his family so once we come back we are out for dinner. Louis was helping me while wrapping the presents he got Harry.

"How have the panic attacks been?" Louis asked, I tried my best to avoid any eye contact. I don't do good when talking about something serious about me.

"Louis, I know you know," I stated, I continued wrapping the present and I saw him nod his head in the corner of my eye, "but I haven't had one since the other night."

"That's good." Louis said as he finished wrapping the present. We then put both our presents next to each other and you can tell which one is Louis' and which one is mine just by the wrapping. Louis' was obviously the worst wrapping.

We managed to set the presents up before Harry came home and I managed to get ready for bed. I'm pretty sure Harry wants to open his presents tonight as we are leaving early tomorrow morning, I think. Louis and I were sitting on the sofa, watching a football match that was on. Harry arrived home at about 8:30 pm which was 70 minutes into the match. I got up as soon as he walked in the room and ran to him. When he turned around, I hugged him.

"Princess." Harry said when he realised that it was me hugging him. I then pulled him along to the living room where Louis and his presents were. We both sat down on the sofa, Harry was sitting next to Louis while I was next to Harry.

One by one Harry opened his presents plus birthday cards and his reaction was priceless when he opened the tickets. I had to print them but with my creativity I made them look good. He said he couldn't wait. After he opened them he gave me a kiss then he went off to get ready for bed. Louis too went to bed, or at least went to his bedroom. I stayed in the living room though and I turned on Pretty Little Liars. Once Harry was finished, he came to watch it with me. 

We watched it for another hour and managed to watch one episode but paused another. We went to bed after that. We had to wake up early but not too early, we wanted to be at Holmes Chapel around lunch so 12 pm. My alarm was set at 7 am, I think Harry was going to get up earlier but I'm not sure. Once I was up and awake, I got ready. Harry was already awake and he was in the bathroom cleaning his teeth. I took this moment to grab another present that I wanted to give him on his birthday. It was a ring, a ring that had dancing teddy bears or lions whatever you want to call them. The ring had a black background, and it wasn't big but it wasn't small. I walked into the bathroom and I held out the box wrapped in wrapping paper in my hands towards Harry. He looked at me confused but finished brushing his teeth and put the toothbrush in the holder, he then grabbed it.

"What's this?" He asked

"A present, what do you think it is?" I asked, smiling at him

"I thought I had all my presents last night." He stated but he started opening it.

"Yeah but I wanted you to have this on your birthday. Anyway, happy birthday handsome." I said, he managed to get the wrapping paper off and it revealed a red box. He looked at me before opening the box, then he picked up the ring.

"Kenzie." Harry whispered

"What? Do you not like it? Oh my god, I'm sorry. I'll send it back." I rambled, I was about to grab it but Harry slapped my hand.

"Kenzie, stop. I love it," He said as he put it on his middle finger, "it fits like a charm."

"You do?" I said, letting out a breath I didn't realise I was holding.

"I do. Come here, princess." He said, placing the box on the counter next to the sink and then pulling me towards him. I leant my head on his shoulder while he leant his on my head.

I'm leaving tonight. [h.s]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin