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We're now in March and have done 19 shows since Glasgow. The boys and I are loving it. I'm meeting Sebastian in 2 days, Harry doesn't want me to but I am. I want to. I haven't seen Sebastian since 2010, it's nice to have a catch up with an old friend from high school.

I've broken up with Nick, and the fans are gutted. I know how much the fans liked us but I hated it, and we said it was a mutual break up, which is fair because Nick wanted to break up as well. I was surprised that the management agreed to let us break up because it wasn't exactly 3 months, but then both of us wanted it to stop.

Nolan isn't on tour with me anymore, mum said he had to come back to the USA. I'm not exactly sure why he had to but then he had been missing school. I did say that I can pay for him to have a tutor but she was adamant that he had to come back so Mazie travelled all the way to Nashville with him. I know she said she will stay over there for a bit and I can't blame her, travelling 8 hours there and then back here is a lot and she did that for Nolan in February.

Tonight is our final night in Birmingham, we've had two shows here. The fans have been amazing, it's always so lovely seeing them. I just can't believe that we've already done 21 shows, we still have 102 shows left but you won't be surprised how time flies by.

I'm sitting in my dressing room doing my makeup, I have learned how to do a smokey eyeliner. My makeup artist/stylist, Hannah, told me how to do it. Normally she would do it but today she's watching me because she wants to see if I can do it, which I can.

Today's show I'm wearing a black allure lace top with some blue jeans, that's baggy but not too baggy. My top is tight but it fits perfectly and I'm wearing a black bra underneath. The shoes I'm wearing are my red converse, I didn't want to wear my black ones because I wanted to add some colour to it. My outfits so far on tour are similar to what I'm wearing today, and I'm loving the style I have going on.

The management doesn't seem to care about what we wear anymore, they just tell us to wear appropriate clothing. I suppose what I'm wearing currently isn't exactly appropriate but you can't see anything and I have worn this top before at a show and the management didn't tell me off.

The smokey eyeliner went really well, and Hannah was proud of me and herself for teaching me and it working out. She finished off my makeup by adding a bit of highlighter on my cheeks, nose, inner corner of my eyes and my forehead. Before leaving my dressing room, I sprayed some perfume on myself although the fans won't smell me, I just want to smell nice in general.

The boys and I did our little handshake and got ourselves in position.

The show had started.


I'm currently on my way to meet Sebastian, wearing the same sort of outfit that I wore for the other night's show but not exactly the same. I'm wearing my blue jeans with a long sleeves black top with red converse. My makeup was the same as the other night, I'm really liking it.

I wasn't getting dropped off, I decided to drive myself. Luckily I had Mazie's car because I dropped her off at the airport so I'll need to travel up to Liverpool on my own. I know the fans are going to see me and pick on the fact that I'll be with a boy. Possibly have dating rumours so I may warn Sebastian.

Sebastian said that he was running late so I just sat in the car till he got here. Birmingham wasn't really busy so there were lots of parking spaces but I pulled in a space where I wouldn't be seen. When I finished parking, I messaged Sebastian to let him know that I was here. While I waited, I decided to go on Instagram. I had a look at some photos that were posted from the other night's show. I looked good that night, and that was a rare feeling.

I'm leaving tonight. [h.s]Where stories live. Discover now