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It was the morning of our first show of our Take Me Home Tour. We headed to The O2 around 9 am and got there about 11 am. We were soundchecking at 12 pm, so the boys and I were walking around and taking in our surroundings.

This was huge for us to play at The O2 Arena. 20,000 people were going to fill up the arena tonight. It doesn't feel real. I'm just glad we are doing this together, just us six.

I'm not sure what family members are coming tonight. Mum did say she would try but it wouldn't surprise me if she was too busy with Taylor. I'm a middle child, Austin and I are both middle children. Although, Austin gets more attention than I do. Taylor's the first born so she's the eldest and Nolan's the last born so he's the youngest. Taylor, Austin and Nolan get enough attention so you can kind of just say I'm just there. I don't really mean much to them.

The boys' families are going to be here tonight, I'm pretty sure most of them are arriving very soon. I'm close with their family, especially Louis' and Harry's. I get on really well with Lottie and Gemma but Lottie's only 14, the same age as Nolan and Gemma is 23. Fans do love my friendship with Lottie, I mean there are a few fans that don't like it as I'm 19 being close with a minor. Louis has told me that I shouldn't listen to any of those 'fans', and even Lottie told me that she doesn't care. Anyways, I'm also very close with Harry's and Louis' mothers, Anne and Johannah.

When we were walking around, the boys and I were talking about how proud we are and how we wished we could tell our younger selves that we did it. Once we were done walking around, it was time for soundcheck. We only soundchecked five, but it took about 45 minutes because we kept messing around. Louis and I jumped off the stage and ran on the main floor but because there were chairs we decided to run up the stairs. Soon later Zayn joined in. About 3 pm, Louis and I decided it was the best idea to disguise ourselves and go out in the shopping/restaurants. We had a hoodie on with the hood up and had sunglasses on.

This was very obvious but we didn't think that.

We got out and walked around The O2. I told Louis that he couldn't talk, or we would be caught. He has a very loud voice with a very strong accent. Me on the other hand, don't. I took a picture of us but it was a quick on so it was kind of blurry. We managed to walk around the whole O2 without being caught. Seeing all the fans being so excited really made me nervous and anxious.

When we got back to the others, Harry's and Liam's family had arrived. We both greeted them and then I went off by myself. I went to the back of The O2, no one could find me. I sat down leaning up against the wall, and went on my phone. I posted the picture of Louis and I with the caption, 'had a little walk out, i can't wait to see you tn x'. Let's see how many fans realised.

I felt someone sitting down next to me, when I looked over it was a security.

"Ready for the show?" He asked me, smiling at me. I looked at him in confusion, I don't have a clue why he's sitting down with me.

"Uh, yeah." I replied, I didn't want to be rude.

"Do you remember me?" He asked, I turned over to look at him. His smile dropped, "you don't?"

"Sorry, but no." I replied.

"I'm Sebastian, from school." He explained, I carefully looked at him. His black wavy hair falling on his face, his blue eyes shining and his smile shows his white straight teeth. I get up quickly, realising who he is. He got up too.

"Oh my God. Sebastian, I'm so sorry. I haven't seen you for ages." I said, smiling at him.

"No worries, I mean I haven't seen you either." He said with a little smirk on his face. I didn't pick up on that.

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