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i was standing with my arms behind my back and so was lin and some other officers. the president was giving a speech about everything thats happening.

"mr president, are you concerned that your approval ratings are nearly as low as the avatars?" a man asked. "have you seen todays headline? it says 'raik oh no polls pan prez plans?'" he said again. "im not concerned with snappy put-downs in the press. im facing this calamity just like every other citizen. there is a tree growing right through my office. you think im not doing everything i can to get rid of it?" the president said. korra dropped down from the air off her glider.

"a few questions please!"

"avatar korra!"

"do you regret the way you handled the unalaq crisis!?"

"why are you forcing the integration of spirits in republic city!?" a camera flashed as a guy yelled.

"listen, ive been trying everything i can think of to get rid of these vines but-"

"why cant you fix this!?"

"are the vines here to stay!?"

"is this part of your new world order!?"

"look! harmonic convergence was just a couple weeks ago. i just need a little more time to get everything back to normal." korra said.

i tired of standing here and having to listen to this, but, its my job meaning i have to be here.

"the avatar has put us all in a very difficult position, but my administration-" "oh im sorry. did i put you in a difficult position by fighting the force of pure evil that was going to destroy the whole world? maybe your administration couldve handled that!" lin walked over to them and broke them apart. "thats all! no more questions!" chief yelled. i ran over to them to make nothing else would happen. the crowd murmured as the president walked away.

"this is a disaster" korra said. "dont worry we'll figure something out" asami said trying to cheer korra up. "easy for you to say" korra shut her eyes. "you dont have my poll numbers. 8% approval? who were they asking?" korra said. i crossed my arms and looked at lin. she sighed and shrugged. "you cant take that to heart, people are just frustrated" "i dont blame them" she said.

"im going back to work" i say with my hands in my pockets while walking away. i heard boots clack on the concrete and lin appeared next to me with her usual expression on her face.


i walked into the chiefs office and she was writing something. "yes?" she said. "im gonna check on my mom ill be back soon" i say. "is she okay?" "thats why im leaving" i said. "alright ill see you soon" she said. i walked out of her office and got on my motorcycle.

i pulled up to my mothers house and parked in her front yard. she has a really tiny house so i gotta manage where i can. i turn the bike off and walk up to the door and knocked on it. i waited a couple second and didnt get response nor did the door open. i knocked again and nothing. i bust down the door and walk in the house. it was quiet, too quiet. my mother usually has the radio on, making tea, cleaning, anything but this. it was quiet i could hear the clock ticking.

i searched the downstairs area and the basement and she wasnt there. i went upstairs and heard some shuffling. i stopped moving in case i heard anything else. i heard a thud so i knocked on my moms room door. it was quiet, again. thats when i got suspicious. i opened the door and there was my mom, on the floor.

"shit" i say to myself. i check her pulse and there was no beat. "you gotta be fucking serious" i say. there was nothing i could do. even though i was a paramedic, i cant do anything. i called kalani and had her come pick my mother up in the ambulance.

kalani walked in the room and hugged me. "i am, so sorry, zuri" she said. "its okay" i say burying my face into her shoulder as i began to cry. she hugged me tighter and and rocked us side to side. i pull my face away and her shirt was wet where my eyes were.

"look, go home and get some sleep. ill take care of this" she said. "thank you" i say. "whatever you need, im always here" she said. i nodded and walked out.

i didnt go home i just went back to work. i walked through the doors of my office and sat in my seat and rested my head on the desk. my door opened and i didnt care to look up.

all these years i regret not spending with my mom are hitting hard.

"zuri listen to me. i want you to grow up and be the best healer in the world. i want you to be like-" "mom! im not going to be anything like you!" i yell. "you should!" she yelled back. "why would i ever want to be like you? you fuck everything up. youve fucked up my life i dont know how many times!"

"zuri, answer me"

my mother slapped me across my face and my brother caught me. "mom! you cant just slap her!" jai yelled.


"whos says i cant?" "mom thats child abuse!" my brother yelled. my brother was always the one to protect me. i could be in bumfuck no where and he'll be there. when it comes to my mom, he fights back because he knows this is wrong. "cmon zuri" jai said and picked me up, carrying me to his room. he sat my down on his bed and i hugged him. "i dont know what i would do without you. if you werent here right now, my mom would be standing at my grave" i say.

"zuri!" i voice yelled. "what do you want lin?" i ask. "howd you know it was me?" "your the only woman who works here" i say. "true. what hap-" "i dont want to talk about it" i say. "alright." she said and walked to the door. "do you want to come to air temple island with me?" she asked leaning against the door frame. i pick my head up and looked at her. "for what?" "tenzin needs us there" she said. "fine. but im probably not going to stay long" i say standing up.


mako came along with us to air temple island.

"i have been noticing a change in your aura lately" i heard kya say as we got closer to them. "and you didnt tell me?" bumi asked. he started pushing his hands in the air trying to bend.

i walk beside kya and she notices me within seconds. "hey, what is retard doing?" i ask talking about bumi. hes not a total idiot. "he thinks he can airbend" she said. lin grabbed my hand and pulled me with her. "talk to you later" i say. kya waved and focused her eyes back on bumi. mako cleared his throat and looked at lin and i then out interlocked hands. we immediately let go amd watched bumi.

"invisible spirit monster attack?" lin said with her hands on her hips. "lin! you wont believe this but bumi just started airbending. "im afraid hes not the only one" i said. "what?" everyone said. "i got a call last night about a guy who just started airbending out of nowhere" "you mean there's another one? where is he kow?" tenzin asked. "he.. blew a door down on me and got away. weve got all points bulletin out on him right now" mako said. i sighed and walked over to kya. "wait, we'll help you look for him" korra said.

"i wonder who this airbender guy is" i say. "are you okay?" kya asked. "yeah why?" "the tone in your voice is saddened. whats wrong?" she asked. "nothing." i say. part of me wants to cry but i would hate to have a break down in front of everyone. and for how much i hate my mother, i still love her.

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