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i was walking around and looking at everything when i saw lin and aiwei. i ran over to them and lin didnt look okay.

"im going to check every inch of this place" lin said. "lin you do not have to work while you are here, you need to relax." aiwei said. "im fine." she said and groaned and rubbed the back of her neck. "zuri?" aiwei asked. i nod and look over to lin. "everything okay?" i ask. aiwei shook his head no and turned back to lin. "doesnt take a truthseer to know that you are under a dangerous amount of stress." aiwei said. "if you dont deal with your repressed feelings, there will be severe consequences to your health" i say. "and your job" aiwei. "im not interested in talking about my feelings." lin said. "you wont have to say a word" aiwei said. "i know a great acupuncturist in town who will be able to help you" aiwei said handing a card to lin. she took card and looked at it. lin walked away to find the acupuncturist. if i cant fix her problems, this guy should.

"are you a truthseer too?" aiwei asked, "you sorta finished my sentence" he said. i shook my head no and chuckled. "i used to be a therapist when i was in my 20s, got fired, applied as a healer, i quit that job, and now i work for republic city PD." i say. i felt someone tap my shoulder and i turn around to see lin. "what?" i ask. "can you come with me?" she asked. "why do you want me to come with y-" suddenly lin almost fell to the ground but i caught her. "just go with her zuri. if something were to happen her, youre there to make sure shes okay" aiwei said. i nodded and threw lins arm over my shoulder. "alright lets go" i say.


"how many needles are you gonna stick in me?" lin asked the acupuncturist. "ill be placing several needles on each of your acupoints." he said. "theres nothing to be scared about lin" i say. "im not afraid of needles" lin says. "please close your eyes and take a deep breath" the man says. lin takes a deep breath and exhales. i watch as the needles are stuck in her wrist, palm, arms, chest, shoulders, legs, etc. "this process will correct the imbalances in your chi. please tell me if you feel any pain or pressure" he said. "i cant feel a thing" lin said. "thats unusual, your chi must be powerfully blocked. were going to need more needles." the guy said. "acupuncture often taps into peoples buried memories. these memories can sometimes be difficult to process" the man said. lin just scoffed. "buried memories. uh-huh" lin said. i watched as lins body laid fully still. "lin seems very stressed about her past." "yea. everyone has been trying to get her to open and she wont. she usually opens up to me and now she wont" i say.

couple mins later

i leaned against the wall and sighed. i honestly hope lin is okay. i heard a thud and looked over to see lin holding herself up against the door. "shit" i say to myself. "damnit lin, what did you do?" i ask. all i got was a groan in response. "lets get you home" i say. she nodded and i picked her up bridal style. "just relax" i say walking out of the building. lin wrapped her arms around my neck and didnt let go.


i set lin down on the couch and she held her head up with her hand which was resting on her leg. the door opened and it was korra. "are you gonna stay in your room feeling sorry for yourself all day?" korra asked. i frowned and crossed my arms. "you owe opal and apology... for the way you treated her last night" korra said. "are you okay?" korra asked. "she left during a acupuncture thingy and shes been like this since" i say. korra sighed and walked towards us. "you dont look too good" korra said. "im fine." lin said sternly. lin walked to the door and fell into it, groaning.


i played with the water as su was training korra to metalbend. i felt the ground shake and instantly stood up. i saw lin looking more pissed off than she ever has before. she was breathing heavily, sweating, and slouching over. i walked over to korra, bolin, and su. "i think lin is mad about something." bolin whispered to korra and i. "su, its time we talk" lin said. "after 30 years, your finally ready to talk?" su asked. "lin, your not in great condition for this" i say. "just let me do what i need to do" she said looking at me. she walked closer to su and spoke her words. "when we were in moms office that day, you could have taken responsibility for what you did, but instead you stayed quiet and let mom throw her whole career away" lin said. "mom did throw her career away. she retired the next year. she was a hero" "you think she wanted to retire? she was so guilt-ridden about what she did to protect you, she didnt feel worthy of her badge." "look, i admit that i was not a perfect kid, and ive made some mistakes in the past, but-" "you made some mistakes?" lin scoffed. "lin, mom and i already talked about this years ago and worked things out." su said. "is this really happening?" i ask. "yep, i think it is" bolin said. "if you had gotten together with us like we'd asked, you would know that i am a different person now. ive been a different person for a long time." suyin said. "you think because you live in a big fancy house and have a chef who cooks you fancy food that your a different person now? maybe you can fool everyone else, but you cant fool me. i see right through you" lin argued. "youre the one who hasnt changed. youre still a bitter loner who only cares about herself. no wonder why tenzin ended things with you years ago" suyin said.

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