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long story short, korra got captured but got out, we fought with the red lotus again, and now im sitting in a jeep with no roof, with lin. the jeep came to a stop and lin got out and walked over to the other vehicle. i lied down on the seat and lin sighed. shes sighed a lot of times today, i would say more than a dozen times within the past hour. "either you get out the car or ill drag you out" she said walking over to me and grabbing me by my boots. "but im tired" i tease. "oh shush" lin said and slowly pulled my boots. "i mean it zuri, i'll pull you off the seat" she said chuckling. "you wont do it" i say smirk. next thing i knew i was pulled off the seat and my ass hit the hard ground. "nevermind that" i say lying on the ground staring at the sky. "look a bird" i say following it with my finger. "get up" lin said with her hands on her hips. i slowly get up and lin walks over to the car. she checked it out to see if there was anything left in it. naga roared and jumped onto the car while lin freaked out. i laugh while naga licks her.

"first you scare the life outta me, and now you wanna lick me" lin said. naga licked her again and lin just looked unsurprised. naga looked at me and walked towards me sniffing me. i stood still waiting for her to lick me, but she didnt, she just walked away. pabu jumped on lin and he moved whenever lin tried to grab him. she eventually grabbed him and held him up and put him on naga.

"i think they like you" i say walking next to her. "yeah ya think?" she said digging into her side pocked and pulled out stick looking jerky. "here, chew on this, and leave me alone" she said giving jerky to naga and pabu. lin walked over to the vehicle and picked up the intercom phone. "tonraq, you read me?" she said into it. "yes, we copy" he said back. "i found korras jeep but the kids arent here. meet me at the misty palms oasis" she said. "lets go" lin said hopping in the jeep. i got in the passenger seat and she drove off.


i stood outside the bar and i watched asami fix up the blimp. do her and korra know im here? nope. im here with lin, lord zuko, and tonraq. lin made me come here even though i didnt want to. i was busy doing my own work. what was i doing that was so important? i was sleeping. why? because ever since ive gotten here ive got nothing to do. even when im in republic city i still have nothing to do. and when i dont have nothing to do, and lin does, she drags me with her so i have something to do. i walked back inside and stood behind lin. "you can sit down zuri" lord zuko said. "no thank you, i would rather stand" i say. he nods and goes to speak again. "you havent told me much about yourself other than the fact you work with lin" zuko said. "well, what do you want to know?" i ask. "how long have you been working with the chief?" he asked. "not very long. i would say a couple months maybe" i say. "lin told me you used to be a healer and a therapist" i say. "so, you do talk about me?" i say to lin. "yes, but not much" she said. i smile and look back over to zuko. "i used to be a good therapist but once i starred having my own problems and i never showed up to work, i got fired. i was also a good healer, ask lin" i say. zuko look over to lin and raised his eyebrow. "what did you do to make zuri have to heal you?" he asked. "uh, nothing bad" lin said. "i was there to help her when her and su got into that fight when they were younger" i say. "oh wow" zuko said. "tonraq, your awfully quiet are you okay?" i ask. "im fine. im just waiting for korra" he said. i nodded and korra walked in. its like he summoned her or something.

"what are you all doing here?" korra asked. "korra, youre safe" tonraq said happy to see his daughter. "yea, we made it out of the dessert thanks to asami" she said. tonraq nodded and put his attention towards zuko. "do you remember lord zuko?" tonraq asked. "i met you when you were a very young girl. its good to see you again avatar korra" zuko said. "its good to see you, lord zuko" korra said. "thanks for ditching me back at zaofu" lin said. i punched her arm playfully and she looked at me. "be nice will ya?" i say. she rolled her eyes and looked back at korra. "yea, sorry about that. but how did you all find us?" "were detectives you know" i say crossing my arms. "dis you find mako and bolin?" asami asked. "some people at the inn saw them get captured by zaheers crew. we dont know where they are" lin said. "did you hear about the earth queen?" tonraq asked. "what about her?" korra asked.

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