Chapter 133

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Chapter 133 - "Help, Daddy! Help!" (2)

Just for this, Li KangYi even gave his parents a call and let them know that he would not be visiting them over the holidays before he drove over to Rongjiang Plaza early on Sunday. He waited there for the entire day and was, once again, disappointed.

As Cheng Huan had already left with her child and her child's daddy on their vacation by this time.

The New Year holidays spanned Saturday through Monday. In order to best utilize their time, the three of them planned to leave on Friday afternoon. They would arrive at night, head to bed, and would be able to see the sunrise the next day.

All three of them had different level of anticipation with regards to this trip and had started preparing for it several days ahead of time.

Jiang MingYuan's car arrived outside of Cheng Huan's building precisely at 4 PM.

He came directly from his office after a meeting. His chauffeur opened the car door for him after he had stopped the car.

"You wait here," said Jiang MingYuan before heading upstairs by himself.

Jiang MingYuan has the key to Cheng Huan's front door but he has yet to use it. He pressed the doorbell. He could hear footsteps from the inside and the door opened up in front of him shortly thereafter.

Cheng Huan was wearing some loose casual clothes along with her family-style fuzzy slippers. She was probably just applying her makeup as her two brows looked different right now. Her hair was tied up by a hair band with bunny ears. She looked very young right now, very much like a college student.

"How come you are here so early?" Now that she had gotten more familiar with him, she didn't bother with too much pleasantries. She stepped aside and let him into the house before she headed back toward her bedroom. "Wait for me. I still have to change."

"Take you time. No rush." Jiang MingYuan walked into the living room and immediately saw the two suitcases that stood out next to the coffee table. They were truly humongous. They looked more like they were moving than going on a trip.

Jiang MingYuan was a bit surprised. "You are bringing that much stuff?"

Cheng Huan stopped and looked over at the two suitcases. "Not that much. I think that's just about right."

Not only did the two suitcases looked humongous, they were also stuffed. There were the mother and son's change of clothing, swimming suit and trunks, bedsheets and comforter covers, Cheng Huan's skincare products, XingXing's toys in addition to disposable slippers, toothbrushes and toothpaste, homemade snacks along, and blindfold and earplugs. Cheng Huan had packed everything that she could possibly think of.

She felt that she needed every single item inside of the suitcases. She was going to pack her pillow as well, but finally gave up on that idea when there was really no way for her to shove that inside.

The woman next to him widened her eyes, looking very pure and innocent. The bunny ears on her hair band bounced up and down, making one want to reach out and stop them from moving.

Jiang MingYuan looked away and acknowledged it. He ended the conversation and was about to leave the house with one suitcase in each hand. "You keep doing what you are doing. I'll go ahead and take these downstairs."

"Thank!" said Cheng Huan without too much sincerity in her voice before she returned to her bathroom to finish applying her makeup. Sitting in front of the mirror with her brow brush, XingXing sat on one said and watched her. As he was watching, he wanted to try it out himself. "Mommy, I want to draw too!"

As though applying makeup was a very fun game, he picked up a tube of lipstick and started applying it onto his brows.

Cheng Huan didn't pay too much attention to what XingXing was saying and continued to work on her brows. When her brows were perfectly shaped, she turned and saw that her lipstick was completely ruined.

The lipstick that XingXing was holding was a brand new one that she had just bought a few days ago. Cheng Huan had pulled it out to go with her makeup today.

The little kiddo had been drawing a lot with his crayons lately but it was more difficult to draw with crayon than watercolor so he had to press down very hard every time and that was how much force that XingXing had use on the lipstick. As his hand moved, a thick and long red mark was left over his brows, making him look ridiculous.

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