Chapter 25 - "Where's Daddy?" "Your Daddy has flown away." (3)

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With the original owner's little bit of savings, there wasn't enough to rent a storefront. So her only options would be a booth selling street food.

Not all street food makes money. Given the current weather and her personal situation, Cheng Huan decided on selling barbeque skewers.*

Setting up a food stand was no easy feat either. First, she'd have to find a location. She would need a place with plenty of foot traffic. Then, she'd need to buy necessities such as stoves, kitchenware, tables and chairs, refrigerators, etc. And, finally, she'd need to find sourcing for raw ingredients.

Ingredients play a very important role in the tastiness of the finished dishes. Even a fairy could not turn a piece of rotten meat into delicacies.

Cheng Huan woke up early to prepare breakfast, then she woke XingXing up and told him about her thoughts while he was eating.

"XingXing, Mommy needs to go out for a little while today and might not be able to come home at noon. Can you go over to a neighbor aunty's place for lunch?"

Their immediate neighbor at their new place was a family of three. The couple were in their thirties and had a daughter that was in sixth grade. Cheng Huan gave them some of her homemade pig feet the first day that they moved in. They were a friendly family and immediately agreed to help Cheng Huan take care of XingXing when Cheng Huan asked.

XingXing paused in the middle of his action with half a piece of potato still dangling outside of his mouth. As he opened up his mouth and made an "oh" noise, the piece of potato fell onto his clothes.

"Why won't you be home?"

"Because Mommy needs to make money to support XingXing."

XingXing didn't have too much of a concept about money and didn't understand why she'd need to leave the house to make money. But he was a good little kid so he agreed to it even though he wasn't very happy about it.

"Oh, alright." XingXing grabbed a piece of potato strip from the biscuit and shoved it into his mouth. Slurring in speech, he said, "I will miss you, Mommy."


Sitting on the floor in the living room, XingXing had in front of him a pile of red and green wooden blocks.

He picked up the blocks and started piling one above another. His motions were smooth; this was obviously not his first time doing this.

The blocks slowly took shape and finally turned into a water wagon. XingXing looked up and at the door after he had placed the final piece of block.

There were no sounds coming from the door. XingXing let out a sigh. Resting his chin on his stubby little hand, he started to pout.

Mommy had been gone for a long, long time. Why wasn't she home yet?

In XingXing's mind, Mommy would spend everyday with him after they had moved to the new place. They'd play games together during the day time and sleep together at night. And life couldn't be any better.

Yet the reality was that Mommy got busy the very next day after they had moved in. And she has been gone for longer and longer. She didn't even come home this afternoon and XingXing had to have lunch over at their neighbor's house.

The neighbor aunty's cooking was good too but not as good as Mommy's. XingXing switched to his other hand and let out another sigh.

He missed his Mommy soooo much.

XingXing maintained his contemplating look for a while and only switched to the other hand when the current one started to feel numb. By the third switch, he finally heard noises from outside of the front door.

He immediately climbed up from the floor like a little puppy and bounced toward the front door.

The door opened slowly and with a loud "Mommy!", XingXing was about to jump into her arms.

Yet the big bag in front of Mommy's body blocked their interaction. The little kiddo stopped some half a meter away and looked up in shock. Then, the smart little kid walked around all the stuff that was in his way and threw his arms around Cheng Huan's leg from the side.

"Mom, what are all these?" He asked Cheng Huan as he pointed at all the stuff in her hands. 

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