Chapter 58 - Mid-Autumn Festival (4)

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Seeing that his mother had opened her eyes, the little kiddo quickly retrieved his arm and urged, "Get up, Mommy. Let's go make mooncakes!"

Cheng Huan let out a "Mmm" then turned and looked around the room. The bit of sunlight pouring in from the crack was particularly bright inside the otherwise dimmed room. Cheng Huan frowned. Covering up her eyes with her hand, she directed her son. "Go and pull the curtains shut for me."

"Okay!" said XingXing as he bounced over to open up the curtains. He tugged at it for a few times before the two sides of the curtains came together. When he was done, he went back over by the bed and said to Cheng Huan, "Mommy, I am going to wait outside. Hurry up and get out of bed!"

"Okay..." Cheng Huan laid back down in bed and closed her eyes again.

After XingXing had walked out, Cheng Huan laid on the bed for a while and was finally fully awake the next time she had woken up.

She quickly got dressed and walked around the house. She found XingXing playing in the study. The little kiddo had dressed himself today. Other than a bit wrinkling on his clothes, the rest actually looked alright.

"I'm sorry, darling. Mommy slept in." Cheng Huan straightened up the little kid's clothes and was going to give him a kiss when she recalled that she hasn't brushed her teeth yet. She stood up and quickly said to him, "You must be hungry. Let me brush my teeth then I will make you some food."

"I am not hungry." XingXing walked out after her. He told her while she was brushing her teeth, "Mommy, big sister Xiao Jin fed me already. I even brushed my teeth all by myself."

Looking at Cheng Huan, he talked like a little adult. "Mommy, you have seen so busy. It's normal that you want to get some more sleep."

Her toothbrush inside her mouth, Cheng Huan couldn't say much. She smiled and rubbed the little kiddo's hair with her other hand. She felt that raising this kid was totally worth it.

As XingXing wasn't hungry, Cheng Huan was in no hurry. She took her time getting ready, made herself a bowl of noodles and only left the house with XingXing after she had put some nice makeup on herself.

As it was a holiday, it was very crowded inside the supermarket. So crowded that one needed to squeeze their way through. Cheng Huan, grabbing tightly onto XingXing, bought the ingredients for making mooncakes.

XingXing was very curious about many things and would stop every few steps. Cheng Huan did not rush him and just waited for him when he stopped and looked.

It took the two of them almost an hour inside the supermarket. When they left the place, their entire shopping cart was filled to the brim. Only a very small portion of that was food, the rest were XingXing's books and toys. XingXing was even carrying a doll in his hand. Looking at Cheng Huan and pointing at the doll with blonde hair, blue eyes, and big bosoms, he said to her, "Mommy, this doll looks particularly like you!"

Cheng Huan tightened her lips and failed to understand her son's standard. She took the doll and tossed it into the shopping cart. "Not at all."

"Very much so!" The little kiddo, feeling unjust, reached out for it again. Cheng Huan, worried that he'd fall, stopped in her steps. XingXing stood on his tippy toes and picked the doll up again. Through the packaging, he pointed at the face of the doll and said to Cheng Huan, "Look, Mommy, her eyes are as big as yours."

"Are they...?"

"Yes! Exactly!" XingXing nodded solemnly. "I want to put it in my bed. That way I won't be afraid when Mommy's not around in the future!"

Inside a car parked on the side of the street, Jiang MingYuan watched as the mother and son walked further and further away.

He watched for a long time, until the two of them disappeared around a street corner.

His assistant turned around from the passenger seat and called out to him, "Boss."

Jiang MingYuan stopped looking. Pinched between his brows, he asked with some weariness, "How's the project at Ping'an Village coming along?"

Ping'an Village was a decision made by Jiang MingYuan. He has a lot on his plate and this was not a particularly big project, so he never inquired about it once it was confirmed.

The assistant was a bit curious why his boss's sudden interest in the Ping'an Village project, but luckily, he had done his homework and was quickly about to recall the progress on this project.

"We have already finished communicating with the government and will begin the negotiation process with the residents starting October."

"Okay." Jiang MingYuan looked out the window and, with a complicated look, said, "Hurry up on it."


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