Chapter 46 - Family Day (1)

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And, just like that, Cheng Huan's anger disappeared all of a sudden.

It was, after all, her first time as a mother. And with nobody giving her any pointers, she was lacking in many areas, like this right now.

It had crossed her mind whether the kid would be scared being alone at home. But as the kid rarely ever complained and she was so busy she usually didn't come home till midnight and XingXing was already in bed, Cheng Huan had forgotten all about this over time.

"I am sorry. That's my fault," Cheng Huan apologized to him. She hugged him back and said, "From now on, just call me at night when you are scared."

"But mommy is busy." XingXing had only been to the stall with Cheng Huan once. He had witnessed how she has been busy for hours on end. He might be young, but he understood that he shouldn't disturb her at times like that.

"I won't be busy when you call me. But you will have to promise me that you will not read on your stomach again, okay?"

XingXing nodded.

Cheng Huan patted him on his shoulder and let the little kiddo lay back down in bed. "I will read you a story and you will go to bed after that, okay?"

XingXing laid on his side as he looked at her. His eyes sparkled. "Mommy is not going out again?"

"Not today." Cheng Huan flipped to the beginning of the comic book. It was a book on the Romance of the Three Kingdom. She started slowly, "Toward the end of the Han dynasty..."

"Mom." XingXing's eyes were still opened. "What is the Han dynasty?"

"Han is a dynasty from a long, long time ago. XingXing will learn about it later on in school." Cheng Huan reached out her hand and put it over XingXing's eyes. "Okay, now listen with your eyes closed."

"Hehe, okay." XingXing seemed to find that very amusing. He grabbed onto Cheng Huan's pinky finger and blinked a couple times. His long eyes lashes brushed over Cheng Huan's palm, giving it a tickling sensation.

"Okay, mommy. I closed my eyes."

"Mm." Cheng Huan didn't take her hand back. Sitting down on the side of the bed, she flipped the pages with one hand and kept on reading.

Her soft and rhythmic voice worked very well in putting the child to sleep. The little kiddo let go of her hand in just a few minutes. Cheng Huan waited for a little longer and only took her hand back after she was sure that he was sound asleep and went into the bathroom with her pajamas.


Thanks to Chen Nian's stream, Cheng Huan's business in the last few days could be described as crazy popular. Every day, there was a long line outside of her booth.

Just the two of them weren't able to handle all the business, so Cheng Huan hired two more helpers and also added a few extra tables and chairs for her customers to rest.

With that much business, she'd also need to prepare more food. Cheng Huan had to spend even more time preparing for them every day. She was too tired to even speak by the end of the day.

But the return was equally sizable. These customers that came to visit because they have heard about her place doubled and tripled her income.

She kept to her promise to XingXing. No matter how busy she was, she'd find a little time to give XingXing a call. She'd have Xu Li help her with the cooking part while she was on the call.

Xu Li had been watching her this entire time and had an overall idea of what needed to be done. Cheng Huan would give her directions next to her. She was a bit frazzled at the beginning, but she picked it up quickly and had it all under control now.

Judging from the customers' responses, they were quite happy with the new chef as well.

As Xu Li could handle it, Cheng Huan intended to increase the amount of time of her helping out.

After knowing her for a while now, Cheng Huan had a better idea about Xu Li's background. She was 40 years old, married, but her husband wasn't of the best health. Her mother-in-law, who also stayed with her, was bed-ridden. She has a child in high school. She has to support her entire family on her income alone. She currently worked two jobs day and night.

Cheng Huan didn't plan on doing BBQ for the rest of her life. Xu Li was a nice person and was down on luck. She planned on letting her try it out first. When she retired from barbequing, she would give Xu Li her secret recipe as well. With the recipe, she could either start her own stall or shop; either way she would be better off that she was right now.

It had been almost a month's time since she had started her booth, and Cheng Huan had made about 10,000 yuan, most of these were from the second half of the month.

Getting one more step closer to her goal made Cheng Huan feel better and better.

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