Chapter 28 - Cooking Meat Skewers (3)

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The coals were already ready inside the stove, and the heat increased obviously around them. Cheng Huan placed the meats on top, and when the meat began to change colors, she brushed a layer of peanut oil on top of them.

She might have never made barbeque before, but she had done some research ahead of time and with her years of cooking experience, her control of timing was still quite perfect.

XingXing also came down to watch after dinner. It was too hot so Cheng Huan sent him to go over to one side.

The little kiddo was quite docile. He went over to one side and kept himself entertained. He would pull up a couple stalks and tie them together. And when he was done, he'd look for two more. Over and over again tirelessly.

As XingXing was playing by himself, he felt that the smell in the air had changed.

He wrinkled his nose and stood up and walked around. When he finally concluded that the smell came from where his mommy was, he ran over there on his two stubby legs as he called out, "Mom! That smells so good!"

Cheng Huan was brushing her homemade seasoning on top of it and grunted an acknowledgement at him when she heard him.

The little kiddo walked over to her. With one hand holding onto Cheng Huan's pant leg, he tried to stick his head out and take a look, but he was stopped by Cheng Huan.

"It's hot over here. XingXing needs to stay away from it."

"Oh." XingXing was a good kid. As much as he didn't want to, he still took a couple of steps back. As he was smelling it, he felt that he was just full a minute ago but he was hungry now.

"Mom, is this tasty?"

"I guess so." Cheng Huan wasn't sure either. After all, this was her first try. What if she had messed up?

"Then can I have some?" XingXing gulped and couldn't wait to try.

"No," said Cheng Huan heartlessly. "You've already had dinner. You won't be able to sleep if you have more."

"I will be able to sleep!" XingXing promised right away. He gulped again and felt that he could eat a lot more.

"Still no." Cheng Huan reached out one hand and pushed him on his head. "Go over to one side."

XingXing was already tempted, so how could he walk away from it? He shoved a little bit over to one side. Still staring intensely at what Cheng Huan was doing, he continued to barter with her.

Cheng Huan just ignored him and sprinkled more spices on top of the meats.

The meats were already done. A layer of grease glistened on top of them, and the aroma filled the air.

Cheng Huan removed the skewers from the heat and was just about to try one herself when she heard someone calling out to her.

"I was just wondering what that delicious smell was; it was you barbequing here."

Walking toward her were her neighbor and her daughter. They looked to just be returning from the after-school tutorial center.

The neighbor walked over with her daughter and pulled a candy out of her pocket for XingXing before she said to Cheng Huan, "Is that what you have been busy with the last few days?"

"Yeah, I plan to set up a food stand to sell these." Cheng Huan was about to taste her work herself, but now she has the perfect test subjects.

She pulled out a beef skewer and handed it over to her. "Here, try it out for me."

"Oh, okay." The neighbor wasn't shy about it. She took the steaming beef skewer from Cheng Huan and immediately shoved it inside her mouth.

The beef was tender and was marinated perfectly. Its tender taste exploded inside her mouth right away.

The neighbor had planned to say something nice to Cheng Huan no matter how it tasted, but once she started eating it she couldn't stop.

Watching her neighbor finish one whole skewer in no time, Cheng Huan was a little nervous as well.

After her neighbor had swallowed the last bit, she finally couldn't help but ask, "How did it taste?"

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