Chapter 189

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Chapter 189 - "Why didn't Daddy send me flowers too?" (2)

Cheng Huan wasn't sure what to say. She would be lying if she said she wasn't interested in Jiang MingYuan at all. But the thought of developing a relationship beyond friendship with someone was certainly no small challenge for someone who had been single her entire life.

She worried about a lifestyle that deviated from how she had it planned but also couldn't resist the attraction from the other person. The two thoughts conflicted in her mind and neither side was winning. As such, her struggle showed up on her look.

Her silence, nevertheless, was interpreted as a rejection by Jiang MingYuan. He was slightly disappointed and that was shown on him. But he recollected himself quickly and said he understood.

"That was abrupt of me. I shouldn't have rushed it." He said to Cheng Huan calmly.

Cheng Huan sensed that there was something off in what he had said and felt a pang of guilt. She opened her mouth but, before she was able to explain herself to him, Jiang MingYuan carried on, "I should pursue you first, right?"

"Huh?" Cheng Huan was dazed. Her mouth opened slightly, making her appear somewhat silly.

"Okay. I get it." Jiang MingYuan nodded thoughtfully. He didn't know what he had said. When he was done talking, he tilted his head a little and his lips curved upward. His hand that was reaching out paused half way through for a brief second, then he bravely finished what he was trying to do. He placed his hand on top of Cheng Huan's hair quickly and said to her. "I'm taking off now. I'll see you tomorrow."

Having said that, the elevator door opened up one more time and the man walked inside quickly. He turned to look at her until he could no longer see her behind the elevator doors.

Cheng Huan just meant to walk him out. She hadn't expected him to drop a bomb like that. She could no longer remain calm. She could no longer remain calm this time. As though a spell had been casted on her. Even after the man was long gone, she was still frozen at the same spot.

The weather was cold and it was windy in the hallway. By the time Cheng Huan regained her cognitive ability, she was already numb from the coldness.

Shivering, she stomped her feet a couple of times and opened up her door with the key with her fingers there were frozen. It was very quiet inside the house. Not a bit of noise could be heard. The silence was good for thinking. As such, her brain, that had just calmed down some, was immediately filled by all sorts of thoughts again.

Cheng Huan didn't go to bed till late that night. By the time she crawled into bed it was already 1 o'clock in the morning. She turned the lights off and shoved herself underneath the blanket. As soon as she closed her eyes, random thoughts would enter her head. She had no choice but to open up her eyes again and stared into the darkness.

She had no idea when she had finally fallen asleep. She seemed to have heard some noise when she was in and out of sleep but she was too tired to open up her eyes and look. She just wondered whether it was already daylight before she fell back asleep.

By the time Cheng Huan had woken up for good, it was already bright outside. The sun pouring in from the crack between the curtains gave one a warm feeling.

Sitting up in bed, Cheng Huan looked around. When she did not see XingXing, she knew it must be late. She rubbed her face and picked up her cellphone.

The upper left-hand corner of the screen indicated that it was 11 AM.

"How is it so late already?" Cheng Huan was surprised. Then, thinking that XingXing must be hungry by now, she didn't have time to think about anything else but got up and got dressed as fast as she could.

When she opened up the room door, Cheng Huan could hear noise from the television. She walked over to the bathroom in her slipper and washed up before she casually pulled up her hair and went inside of the living room. She found XingXing sitting on the couch and started discussing with him about the menu for the afternoon.

"Mommy overslept and didn't buy anything to cook today. What do you think about pineapple fried rice for lunch?"

"Okay." XingXing was always happy with whatever his mother made. He nodded his little head then pointed next to him and said, "Mommy, this is from an uncle for you."

"What is it?" He was sitting behind the end table and, the end table being slightly higher, happened to block that part of the couch entirely. Cheng Huan couldn't see anything from where she was standing.

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