Chapter 47 - Family Day (2)

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Today is the day of parent-kid activities in the kindergarten.

Cheng Huan got up even earlier than before and went to purchase BBQ ingredients after breakfast. She went straight home to marinate her meat after she had dropped XingXing off at the kindergarten.

When she was finally able to finish everything by 11 AM, Cheng Huan changed and put makeup on as quickly as possible before she even had the chance to take a break.

Family day was one of the few days that the kindergarten was open to the public. They have even added a few additional security guards for safety purposes.

Lunch was served in the cafeteria and the parents have already been waiting there when the teachers brought the kids over.

Ever since he found out that his mother would be there, XingXing has been in an excited mood. He had waited all morning long. When he finally saw Cheng Huan, he couldn't wait to run toward her happily.

"Mom!" He called out to her loudly. His face flustered from excitement.

Cheng Huan rubbed his head. Seeing that he wasn't sweating, she asked, "Are you hot?"

XingXing shook his head and stuck onto her. "I, I have been waiting for you."

"Oh, you miss me that much, huh?"

"Yes!" XingXing nodded. "A lot!"

The cafeteria at the kindergarten was not very big, so only the lower classes are having family day today. Once it was confirmed that every kid has located their parents, someone started passing out lunches.

Part of the reasons the kindergarten has the parents over for lunch was also to make them feel better about the school.

The tuition was high here and the food was good. They have specific nutritionists to put together the meals and also pay attention to using brighter colors of food to enhance the kids' appetites.

Lunch was three dishes plus a soup. The amount wasn't a lot, just about right for 2~3 people. Cheng Huan set the bowls and utensils and tried a bite. She felt that the food was decent.

"XingXing." Cheng Huan called out to XingXing and asked softly, "Are there any differences between the food today and the food normally?

XingXing thought about it for a little bit then shook his head.

Then, he added, "Not as good as mommy's cooking!"

Cheng Huan busted out laughing but also felt better at the same time. The tuition she spent was worth it. At least the food was pretty decent.

Unlike Cheng Huan, XingXing was very disgruntled about the food at the kindergarten. He grumbled about this and that tasted bad nonstop over lunch. All in all, only his mother's cooking was the best in the world.

Cheng Huan was ecstatic from his flattering, but she still had to put up the front and told him that it wasn't acceptable to be a picky eater. Listening to her, XingXing pondered for a while and finally ate a carrot stick with a very complicated look on him.

"Not a picky eater."


After lunch, the kids went to take a nap and the teachers took the parents on a tour of the kindergarten.

The kindergarten wasn't too different than when Cheng Huan toured it when she registered for XingXing. The only difference was more artwork from the kids.

The teacher was introducing which piece of artwork was done by which kid. The parents of the child whose name was called would look at the picture, their faces filled with pride.

Cheng Huan, too, was looking at one of them. It was drawn by XingXing. It's name was simple and crude – "Mom and I".

The little kiddo hasn't been drawing for a long time. That, combined with the fact that he was young and weak, the people that he drew were shaped funny and his color choice was a shock to the eyes.

But, for some odd reasons, when Cheng Huan looked at it, she just felt that it was perfect in every way. She even wanted to bring it home with her and only gave up in disappointment when the teacher declined her request. She figured when she had some free time, she'd have XingXing draw and put his drawing in a frame.

After the tour of the kindergarten, the kids have woken up. The two groups rejoined each other and the activity time began for real.

The purpose of the parent-kid activities was to promote the communications and bonds between the parents and their children. As such, most of the activities required the parents and the kids to work together. 

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