Chapter 80

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Chapter 80 - He Looked Up At His Uncle And Said, "My Mom Will Be Here Soon." (2)

The atmosphere was quite good over lunch. Hu Tianhua was a talkative person and Qi Shan, the young man, was also quite sociable. The two men could talk about just any subjects and Cheng Huan just listened most of the time without chiming in as she hadn't been here for too long and didn't know too much about anything.

After lunch, Hu Tianhua and Cheng Huan went to complete the transfer process and the two parties split up at the front.

Qi Shan went back to his office and up to the top floor.

A man was working in his office when Qi Shan knocked and entered. He placed the signed contract in front of him and said, "Boss, it's done."

Jiang MingYuan took a look at the contract and his eyes lingered over the signature on the bottom of the page. He put the contract away and gave his assistant another assignment. "Go look for a remodeling company."

Qi Shan. "... Okay."

As his right-hand man, Qi Shan had an idea why his boss cared so much about that mother and son. What he didn't understand was why didn't he just reach out to them openly now that he knew that was his own son. What was the point of helping them out without them knowing?

He shook his head to himself, glanced over at his boss who has turned his attention back to his work, and left, baffled.


After a trip to the bank with Hu Tianhua, almost half of the sizeable amount that Cheng Huan received the day before was gone. She didn't have much feeling about it; perhaps because the money came way too easily.

Cheng Huan had a lot more to take care of after the signing of the contract.

First, she needed to figure out the direction of her future business.

Her original plan when she first started her booth was to take it one step at a time. Once she has saved up some money, she could get a storefront and carry on selling barbeque, then save up for a few more years before looking for a quieter location to start her private home cuisine again.

The situation was slightly different than she had anticipated now.

First of all, the storefront was located in the busy part of town and it definitely wasn't suitable for private home cuisine. On the other hand, between its location and square footage, it'd be a waste to use it for a barbeque place. Cheng Huan had looked around previously. There was close to a hundred restaurants between the two floors in Rongjiang Plaza, covering almost every type of cuisine. If she wanted to establish herself, she'd need to somehow make her place stand out.

That, in fact, would not be difficult for her.

Cheng Huan had learned imperial cuisine from her grandfather. One of the iron rules about imperial cuisine was the quality of the ingredients. In order to find the best ingredients in her previous life, she had been to many places and have had many delectable cuisines.

And the whole sheet feast was one of them.

The whole sheep feast was one of the noble feasts from the Qing Dynasty, almost as well-known as the . One lamb could be turned into over 80 dishes and, depending on the parts of the body that they came from, would be prepared differently.

Picture: Whole Sheep Feast (interesting presentation)

Picture: Whole Sheep Feast (interesting presentation)


Cheng Huan was utterly stunned by the whole sheet feast when she first had it and she even stayed in the region for over six months' time just trying to figure out how they were made. She was confident that she was at least 80 ~ 90% there.

Her plan was to have her restaurant focused mainly on lamb. There would be no need to make all 80 dishes; a little bit over half of them would be sufficient. Add in a few more vegetarian dishes and she'd have a herself a pretty decent menu. 

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