Chapter 79

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Chapter 79 - He Looked Up At His Uncle And Said, "My Mom Will Be Here Soon." (1)

After she had taken XingXing to school, Cheng Huan changed into a different outfit and went over to Yongjiang Plaza where she would be meeting up with Hu Tianhua.

They would be meeting at "Hotpot King". When Cheng Huan arrived, Hu Tianhua was already there.

Hu Tianhua was in his thirties, medium built, slightly chubby, and has a square face. He looked like a good-tempered person. Seeing Cheng Huan walked over to him, he took a couple of steps up to her.

"You must be Ms. Cheng." He said with a smile. "Have you had breakfast yet? If not, I know a place with good breakfast."

Cheng Huan smiled and replied, "No, it's alright, Boss Hu. I have already had breakfast."

"Alright then, let's go take a look at the place then." Hu Tianhua was not one who talked too much. Having said that, he turned around, pulled a key out of his pocket, and opened up the door to Hotpot King. With a wave of his hand, he said to her, "After you."

Cheng Huan followed him inside.

The hotpot restaurant had been closed for a few days already and it was inevitable that the inside was a bit dirty. Hu Tianhua turned the lights on and gave Cheng Huan a tour of the place.

Hotpot King was only 250 square meters in size; approximately 230 square meters or so not counting the kitchen. The tables and chairs were placed very close together inside the restaurant. Cheng Huan took a quick look and figured there were roughly 50 or so tables inside.

Hu Tianhua told Cheng Huan while they were touring the place, "Everything in here are quite new. If your plan is to open up a hotpot restaurant, I can give these to you too."

He smiled like a buddha as he added, "For no extra change."

Cheng Huan thanked him but said, with regret, "But I don't plan on having a hotpot place."

"Oh, never mind then." Hu Tianhua was a bit disappointed at the lost opportunity to make money. He smiled and carried on, "Now that you have seen the place, what do you think, Miss Cheng?"

"Not bad."

Hu Tianhua felt better. He located a rag, wiped cleaned a table and couple of chairs and said, "Why don't we sit down and have a talk?"

Hu Tianhua was very well prepared. As soon as Cheng Huan sat down, he pulled out some documents from his briefcase.

Cheng Huan read through it carefully. She raised a few questions that she had and Hu Tianhua responded to them openly and truthfully.

After she had read through all the documents and the contract, Cheng Huan felt that they looked alright. She symbolically tried to barter down the price and, to her surprised, Hu Tianhua was a very easy-going guy. He merely gave it a little bit of thought before he reduced the price by tens of thousands yuan.

"Thank you so much!" Cheng Huan was very excited.

Anything would help.

"No problem. No problem." Hu Tianhua waved his hand, as though he didn't care about the tens of thousands of yuan at all. "So we can sign the contract now?"

"Sure." Cheng Huan wanted to get it done sooner rather than later as well.

There were three sets of the same contract, they would go to Hu Tianhua, Cheng Huan, and the property owner.

Hu Tianhua made a call and the property owner came over quickly. He looked very young, not even 30 years old. He was tall, thin, and bespectacled. His suit was done up meticulously and he looked very much like an elite.

He didn't say much. He quickly showed Cheng Huan his proof of ownership, identifications, and the three of them signed the contracts together.

Looking at the contract, Hu Tianhua seemed very happy and suggested to have lunch together. Cheng Huan thought about it for a little bit and agreed to it. The other one thought about it some too and also agreed.

They went to a Hunan style restaurant. Hu Tianhua was obviously very familiar with this place and immediately started making recommendations to the other two.

The other two didn't have a lot of opinions and just went along with his recommendation.  

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