The day before

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*Jocelyn wakes up on a Saturday morning*

Jocelyn: One more night until the movie is finally released! I am so excited for it to be finally published. And I will be seeing it second row on the big screen!

*She sits up on the bed and checks her phone. A new article reads: "The movie premiere playing tomorrow in Kentucky will be kept company by the official cast from the movie itself". Her expression turns into pure happiness with slight shock when she reads this*

Jocelyn: No, you can't be for real right?! I am gonna meet the cast tomorrow?! Ugh, I can't wait to sleep already...

*She gets up and changes into some normal clothes. When she is ready, she makes her way downstairs to the kitchen and takes some spaghetti leftovers from yesterday. While warming it up in the microwave, she calls her best friend*

Jocelyn: Lucy, you will never ever believe what I just read... You didn't want to go to the premiere, right? The cast is gonna be there! I am gonna meet the cast!

Lucy: No way?! Please tell me you are kidding?! I just missed the opportunity to meet the cast?!

Jocelyn: Well, you didn't want to go with me... so I guess I am just very lucky!

*The microwave dings, telling that the food is warmed up. She takes the food out of the microwave and takes a seat at the dinner table*

Jocelyn: So... we still meeting up today?

Lucy: Oh yeah of course! Should I take a trip to the coffee shop? To get some stuff?

Jocelyn: That would be great! Just get a couple and I will pay you back for the ones that are for me, okay?

Lucy: Okay that's fine, I gotcha! See you tonight then! At six I got dinner for us both, I think you will like it!

Jocelyn: Thank you, Lucy! I will bring dessert tonight. See ya!

*they hang up the phone and Jocelyn eats the spaghetti that she just warmed up*

Jocelyn: I really wonder what I should wear tomorrow... I think I'm just going to dress up! I mean, I am going to meet the cast and maybe I can get some pictures with Josh...

*she puts away her plate and walks upstairs to her closet*

Jocelyn: Okay so... I need a comfy outfit for tonight and a cute outfit for tomorrow...

*two outfits get pulled out of the closet and she looks at them both*

Jocelyn: Okay perfect! This cute dress is for tomorrow and some comfortable clothes for tonight.

*she changes into the comfortable outfit and gets ready to take a walk in the park. Gathering everything she wants to take with her, a necklace from her mom suddenly catches her eye*

Jocelyn: The necklace... I should take it with me... I have a strong feeling this butterfly will finally find its second wing tomorrow...

*The necklace makes a slight clicking noise when fastening into its place*

Jocelyn: Well, let's get going then! A quick stroll around the park will be enough to kill the time.

*She grabs her bag and heads on her way to the park. Arriving there, it's quite noticeable that it's calm but busy? There are quite a bunch of birds in the trees. Not that many people luckily. It's quiet but loud. Birds chirping but only two maybe three kids laughing and screaming. She looks around for a second before making her way to a specific tree*

Jocelyn: Wow, those are pretty mushrooms that are growing. Anyway, let's get up in here... been a while since I could really chill in here.

*Climbing up the tree she hears a familiar voice*

Jocelyn: No it couldn't be right? I should get up here quick and then look... I don't wanna fall just because I couldn't wait...

*she climbs some more and reaches a flat part in the tree, perfect for lying down and catching a view from the park. Looking down she couldn't find the voice she thought she heard*

Jocelyn: Well I guess it was just someone who sounded like him? Could be...

*Jocelyn sits down leaning against a branch. While fidgeting with her hair she gets an idea. After finally finding a good twine she starts making a hole in the middle. Stretching out the hole without breaking the twine is quite a skill. The hole is big enough now and the twine is only holding on to the very ends to stay whole. She grabs all her hair and makes a braid. Like a claw clip she pushes the ends from the twine inwards and slides it onto the end of her braid. Releasing the pressure, the twine wraps itself around the end of the braid securing it*

Jocelyn: Well... Looks like I could be a great stylist if I ever am going on survival...

*resting her head against the branch, she closes her eyes falling into a resting state. Not asleep, but not quite awake. A guy in a slight distance notices her sitting in the tree, he walks a little closer, looking to see if he actually is seeing it right*

?: Is someone actually sitting in that tree? What are they doing?

*he walks a little closer looking at Jocelyn. He doesn't get very close not wanting to startle her. A ray of sunshine shines on the necklace from Jocelyn*

?: That necklace... It's... Familiar?

*the guy suddenly gets shouted at by a friend he arrived at the park with, telling him that they are going home. He takes another look at the necklace before running towards his friend and leaving the park*

The movie premiereDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora