Jocelyn's POV

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*Josh walks away and Jocelyn steps inside closing the door. She walks upstairs and falls onto her bed, crying. When the crying dies down slightly, she calls Lucy with a still pretty shaky voice*

Jocelyn: Hey girl...

Lucy: Hey, what's up? Why are you crying?

Jocelyn: I am at my house again... the six weeks are over.

Lucy: Wait- You guys separated? No contact?

Jocelyn: Yeah...

Lucy: Oh that must suck so bad, are you okay?

Jocelyn: I don't know what I am going to do, now that he is not around anymore... I'm back to being alone at my house again...

Lucy: I am on my way right now. I got you girl! Prepare your lighter!

*Jocelyn laughs slightly at this*

Jocelyn: Alright, see you in a bit!

*they hang up and Jocelyn walks downstairs sitting on her couch*

Jocelyn: This couch feels so weird... And empty.

*a bit passes and Lucy rings the doorbell. Jocelyn walks to the door and opens it for Lucy. When Lucy steps inside, she immediately hugs Jocelyn*

Lucy: Come on, let's go to the garden.

Jocelyn: Alright, right at it I see!

*they head to the garden and sit down. Lucy hands Jocelyn a blunt and lights her own after*

Lucy: So... Did you wanna share anything from your vacation?

*Jocelyn laughs at the vacation comment*

Jocelyn: We did so much... Every morning we would wake up and eat breakfast together. Mostly we would also shower in the morning and I can say that I got used to seeing him topless...

Lucy: What?! Josh topless?!

Jocelyn: Hmhm! Also, I went to set with him and we have a lot of pictures together of everything we have done together!

Lucy: Really?! Show me!

Jocelyn: Alright! Let me take out my phone.

*they take some drags from the blunt while Jocelyn takes out her phone to show the pictures*

Jocelyn: Oh, and this outfit I am wearing right now is matching with him! I don't know if I told you, but Josh has the second piece of this butterfly necklace.

Lucy: That is so cute! And these pictures are such fun memories! I feel like you both really were destined to meet.

Jocelyn: Oh, and I am going to be starring in a movie.

*Lucy her face turns from excited to absolutely flabbergasted*

Lucy: Starring? Like the main character?! Are you acting in a movie?!

Jocelyn: Yeah! I am!

*they talk for quite some time and finally, after sharing everything Jocelyn can share, they run out of subjects for the day. It's getting late and Lucy starts getting tired*

Lucy: Hey, I think I am going to go home now...

Jocelyn: Yeah, good idea... I'm also quite tired already...

*they head to the front door again and they say goodbye before Lucy heads to her own house. Jocelyn heads to her room and sleeps in her own bed for the first time after a long time*

six months pass. Jocelyn played in a movie that was shooting for three and a half months, after those months the filming was done already. The first month was quite hard to adjust to. Not having Josh around anymore to say good morning or cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Even though it was hard, she got through it with Lucy. Especially being on set and meeting new people, got her mind off of Josh. The movie premiere of the movie she is starring in, comes out in two and a half months already. She also started writing stories for fun, just to clear her head a little. Even though everything seemed to be going well, she still misses Josh. Even after six months of not talking to or seeing him, it's like she lost a part of herself. She went to the park a lot, and walked around town, looking for the stickers they placed. She kept her habit of listening to music a lot and singing along to it. One day, after six months, she went back to the shopping center where they got the matching outfit, the stickers, and ice cream together. She went there to buy a new outfit. The outfit she is wearing is the matching outfit from Josh and her. She is also wearing the necklace. If she wears the outfit, the necklace is a must.

*Jocelyn walks into the clothing store and looks around for a bit. She walks through the section hoodies, t-shirts, and cargo pants. After finding the outfit she wants, she walks to the dressing rooms. They are all occupied, so she is waiting until one is free*

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