Just a chill night

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Josh: I'm having a dip.

Jocelyn: Yeah, same here...

Josh: It's kind of quiet here isn't it?

Jocelyn: Do you mean that you want me to play music?

Josh: Maybe... Do you want to play some music?

Jocelyn: Of course I do! I always want to put on some music.

*she grabs her phone and plays her playlist through the speaker*

Josh: So, when do you want to have dinner?

Jocelyn: Just start on it after an hour has passed. I'm sure we will be hungry again after one and a half hours.

Josh: Okay, seems fair.

*Jocelyn scoots a little closer to Josh while yawning*

 Jocelyn: You don't mind if I go lay down against you, right? I'm pretty tired right now.

Josh: Just take a little afternoon nap. Seems like the coffee didn't work?

Jocelyn: No, it really didn't...

*she closes her eyes for a bit and slowly falls asleep. Josh in the meantime, scrolls on his phone to play some games. After about a half hour, Jocelyn is still sleeping and Josh looks over at her*

Josh (thinking): She looks so peaceful... I wish this could just be for forever.

*he grabs his phone again and tries to kill time with some other games. Another half hour passes and Josh looks back at Jocelyn. He grabs a couple of pillows from the couch and slowly moves away from his spot. As he does, he places the pillows on the spot he just sat in. This way, Jocelyn is still leaning on something, even though it's not Josh anymore. He quietly whispers to Jocelyn*

Josh (whispering): Keep on sleeping cutie, I am just gonna make us dinner.

*while quietly walking over to the kitchen, he hears Jocelyn stir a little. He freezes in place, not daring to make a move or sound. Very carefully, he looks back at Jocelyn to check if she is still sleeping. A sigh leaves his lips as he continues moving towards the kitchen. When he gets to the kitchen, he closes the door so that the noises are more muffled*

Josh: I just hope this is not gonna be too noisy... Let's get to dinner then.

*Josh starts making dinner. First cut the fries, then the bok choy. Now everything is ready to be warmed up, firstly he grabs the two pieces of salmon and puts them in the oven. He throws the fries into the deep fryer and grabs a cutting board. The bok choy doesn't have to cook for too long, so he can first chop some garlic before cooking it in a pan. When the garlic is chopped up, he throws it into a pan with the bok choy. When everything is almost ready, he throws some sweet soy sauce into the pan with bok choy. After a bit, he gathers everything together with two plates. He puts the food on the plates and quietly walks over to the living room with them. Josh looks at Jocelyn, who is still sleeping and he smiles. While putting the plates down, he sits next to the pillows he planted. Now that he is sitting again, he thinks of a way to wake up Jocelyn. He starts playing with her hair a little while waiting for her to wake up*

Josh: Jocelyn? The food is ready.

*Jocelyn slightly wakes up, she's pretty confused*

Jocelyn: Huh? What?

Josh: Good evening, Jocelyn. Food is ready!

*she is quite confused and opens her eyes. When she sees the plates in front of her, she wakes up a little more*

Jocelyn: Already? How long did I sleep?

Josh: About one and a half hours... Did you have a good nap?

Jocelyn: I am still tired, but it was a pretty nice nap... Did I lay on these pillows the entire time?

Josh: Oh no, I went to make dinner a half hour ago... I didn't want to wake you up, so I put some pillows under your head.

*Josh looks at the food and then over to Jocelyn*

Josh: The food is getting cold... Are we going to eat now?

Jocelyn: Oh yeah, good idea.

*Jocelyn sits up and throws the pillows to the other side of the couch, so she and Josh can sit next to each other again*

Josh: Enjoy!

Jocelyn: Thank you very much.

*they both start eating their dinner quietly. When they are halfway finished, Josh breaks the silence*

Josh: So... Is it good?

Jocelyn: Yeah! Sorry, I am still half asleep... I think I will crawl into my bed quite early today.

Josh: Oh, you have nothing to worry about. Just enjoy the food. 

*they continue to eat again. When they are done, Josh brings the dirty plates back to the kitchen. When he comes back, he sees Jocelyn yawning again*

Josh: If you want to, we can always go to sleep right now? It's half past eight anyway... 

Jocelyn: No, we can chill for a little if you want. I am a little tired, but I still want to stay here for a little. 

Josh: Can I braid your hair? I don't know why, but I just want to make some cute braids in your hair.

Jocelyn: Sure, but I can't promise you that I will stay awake if you do... 

Josh: What, why?

Jocelyn: Don't you know how relaxing it is when someone plays with your hair? Just like a lice check at school, you know? I just get tingles all over sometimes...

Josh: Oh yeah, I get what you mean. It's no problem. I like playing with your hair anyway. It's just so soft...

Jocelyn: How do you want me to sit?

Josh: Would you rather lay down? You can just put your head on my lap with your hair back.

Jocelyn: Oh sure! That way I will for sure fall asleep.

Josh: That's no problem, I could just carry you to bed or something.

Jocelyn: Alright. 

*after Josh is seated on the couch, Jocelyn lays down with her head in Josh's lap. They laugh a little bit but when Josh starts braiding her hair she relaxes. After a bit, Josh sees that Jocelyn has her eyes closed. He whispers quietly*

Josh (whispering): Are you sleeping?

*because he hears no response, he smiles. She is indeed asleep and he can't help but look how cute it is. He also starts yawning now, but he doesn't want to move. He just keeps on braiding her hair. After a bit, he lays back slightly and dozes off to sleep on the couch with Jocelyn*

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