Fast forward

6 2 0

*they talk for a while on the couch before deciding to go to sleep and go to their rooms*

five and a half weeks pass by quick enough. They did lots and lots of fun stuff and they didn't have any disagreement or arguments in the time being. Also, a lot of pictures were taken of stuff they had done together. The movie they were acting in wrapped up and they had a picture with the cast on the last day. They also went to get matching outfits together. Shared a lot of laughter together and also some nerve wrecking moments. They have such a precious bond made and they get into a conversation three days before the cast removal appointment in the hospital. They are in the kitchen and it's afternoon at the moment they start the conversation.

Josh: You know what's crazy?

Jocelyn: What? 

Josh: We only have known each other for almost six weeks and look at how close we are...

*Josh messes up Jocelyn her hair jokingly* 

Jocelyn: Not my hair! You know how annoying my hair is when it's messed up. But that is true actually... Now I think about it, that means the cast removal appointment is near. 

*Jocelyn looks down as a weird and uncomfortable feeling flows over her*

Josh: Yeah, that's good right? Do you feel alright? You don't seem very happy about it...

Jocelyn: Well, that also would mean that our time would be over... You know, when I can walk again and take care of myself, that would mean I can live alone again. Also, you said you'd take care of me for six weeks, and that time is almost over...

Josh: Oh yeah... I forgot about that. Does that mean that our time is over?

*she looks at Josh with a slightly sad expression* 

Jocelyn: I think that does mean that our time is almost over... When these casts get off, I think I will stay for one more night. The appointment is in the morning, so we can have fun for the rest of the day and spend a last night together. The day after I will pack my stuff and uhm... Head home...

Josh: At least we have three more days to fulfill before we have that appointment! 

Jocelyn: Yeah, that is true... 

*Josh moves his arm around Jocelyn*

Josh: We are gonna make these three days count! We are going to have the best of fun to close out our time together... And who knows we will meet again one day?

Jocelyn: Let's just change the subject, I don't wanna think about it right now... What is on our whiteboard list left? We got four things right? One for today and three for our last three days before the appointment. And we should think about the best of the best ideas for our last day together.

*Jocelyn sits against Josh and yawns*

Josh: Uhm, what should we cross out today? We could just chill for this afternoon and we can do something this evening? 

Jocelyn: Let's cross out bowling night! That seems like a fun thing to do today. And the day before the appointment we can buy stickers and place them around the city. Every time we walk in the city and see one of the stickers we get reminded of the fun times we had.

Josh: Those are great ideas! What are we gonna do for this afternoon though? 

Jocelyn: I am just gonna take a nap right here.

*she closes her eyes and gets into a more comfortable position against Josh. He seems surprised but doesn't do anything and just laughs*

Josh: You do you, I am gonna listen to some music in the meantime.

*Josh gets his earbuds and puts on some music while Jocelyn is lying against him, trying to sleep. After a bit, Jocelyn starts snoring slightly and Josh looks at her sweetly. He plays with her hair a little and makes cute little braids. After about an hour, Jocelyn finally wakes up*

Josh: Good afternoon Joce, how did you sleep?

Jocelyn: You know that if you call me by that nickname, it almost sounds like you are saying your own name right? But I slept pretty great! It was needed.

*they both start laughing*

Josh: I made a reservation for bowling tonight!

Jocelyn: Oeh sounds great! I can't wait to beat you already. I could say I'm pretty good with balls...

*Jocelyn smirks and starts laughing when she sees Josh his expression*

Josh: Okay, okay, we will see... Maybe I also am? Who knows? I never actually confirmed that I was straight.

*she starts to laugh even harder and she even gets tears in her eyes from laughing*

Josh: Why is this so funny to you?

*Jocelyn tries to speak in between her laughter*

Jocelyn: I- I- I was just thinking about-

*she tries to get some air while laughing*

Jocelyn: Your reaction a- and the fact-

*Jocelyn tries to get some air again because she is laughing so hard*

Jocelyn: I would have never thought I would talk to you like- like this. Re- remember we started off with you- you being my celebrity crush and I was a fan.

*she keeps on laughing and trying to catch her breath while talking* 

Jocelyn: It's just so funny to me. I- I don't know why.

*Josh laughs a little and sighs*

Josh: Unbelievable... And this is what I have to live with, for five more days.

*Jocelyn starts to laugh even more. Josh puts his hand in front of Jocelyn her mouth and jokingly chokes her*

Josh: Maybe this will shut you up!

*Jocelyn grabs his wrist and laughs some more. They start to kind off wrestle a bit while laughing. After a bit, Jocelyn is completely exhausted, catching her breath*

Josh: I must say, I will miss having you around...

Jocelyn: I can say the same... I am going to miss being here in this home, with your company... But I'm still paying for my other home, so I have to go back... It's not like I could stay here forever...

Josh: Other home? What do you mean?

Jocelyn: My house! I see this as my home now too... 

Josh: I really wished you could stay longer. I don't want to end this yet...

Jocelyn: Well everything will have to come to an end one day... It is gonna suck! But it's the truth. Anyway, I am cooking today! I promised you that at the start, so what do you want to eat for dinner? 

The movie premiereTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon